7 minutes, .772 miles Elliptical
10 minutes, 2.6 miles Biked
5 minutes, .5 miles Elliptical
5 minutes, 1.3 miles Biked
February miles: 62.076
7 minutes, .772 miles Elliptical
10 minutes, 2.6 miles Biked
5 minutes, .5 miles Elliptical
5 minutes, 1.3 miles Biked
February miles: 62.076
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If you had a diary on old Open Diary, you must go through the reclaim process before you can log in. Reclaim your diary.
Question? Instead of just posting these stats you think you could add something about how you felt after doing this and maybe more about what you do in a day?
@jaythesmartone It’s their diary to post what they feel they need to or want to.
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