I’m not actively searching for a new relationship. What my wife has put me through has all but killed my faith in them. I still don’t understand how someone can do what she did and not have a tinge of guilt or remorse, but life is a game, play or lose, cheat or lose, participate or be run over. I guess there are just those types that can stomp a kitten and watch it suffer.
This wasn’t meant to be a FU to my ex, don’t worry though those will be coming, but it is about some women’s BS since I have somewhat re-entered the dating world. What is wrong with some women nowadays? It used to be a compliment or a nice flower arrangement was a welcomed thing. Now it apparently means that “you will be raped and murdered at the first opportunity”
A few months back I introduced myself to a lady who manages the Dollar General across from my work. All good. After several visits I asked her to coffee and offered my number, which with a smile and s thank you was accepted. Then…. Well I don’t know. I am avoided and ignored as if I somehow I came up from behind her and pulled a Biden.
Another one was actually a woman I had history with. We always had a flirty type of relationship, but never matched up in life until now. Got together a couple times, had drinks, had dinner, and watched movies. I got the ” i’m not looking for a relationship” talk, I countered with the, ” I could just use a friend.” All good, that is until 2 days later when we had planned to get together for dinner and she fell off the radar. Turns out she did want a relationship, but not with me. (Yes I was again reliving my separation within my separation)
If you have been torturing yourselves reading my entries you know that I sent someone a nice little non threatening flower arrangement earlier this week. I made sure that in no way it asked, expected, or insisted anything and that is exactly what I got…. Nothing. I can’t be mad, but would a thank you post it be to much?
I know I have a long way to go to fix me and I know that it is the worst thing in the world to get into a relationship now, but come on world, why do you keep insisting on making me feel as though I am a troll???
You’re not a troll. Try to hang with guys for a bit. Then again I understand you I’ve given up on dating. And it’s kind of funny if it’s not someone you want. It’s someone you don’t want chasing you.
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Things will get better for you I’m sure, it will just take some time to find that right connection – but it will happen.
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No one is perfect. Not even you. You have a right to suffer bc that is the only way to get the grue out. <3
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