
Megan woke up from her nap yesterday complaining of a belly ache and sure enough, she threw up a few hours later.  She is not a happy camper right now.  She still feels sick and she’s going to miss her preschool valentine’s day party.  Poor girl. 🙁  Fingers crossed no one else catches the bug.  I have been fighting off something for the last 3+ weeks.  Started with swollen lymph nodes and hives, progressed to a chesty cough and then finally to stuffed up head and sinuses.  Yesterday was the first day I was feeling a little better and today is better yet.  Thank goodness because we have about 3 inches of snow on the driveway that I need to snow blow and it’s below 0.  Should be great fun but would be even worse with a sinus headache.

Ben’s parents are coming up this weekend.  I’ve been trying to get the house at least a little presentable but it’s been hard being sick and now with a sick kid too.  Maybe they’ll change their minds about coming when they hear Megan is sick.  I hope she’ll be feeling better by Saturday though.

I suppose.  I’m eating a little soup and then Megan and I are going to go take a nap.  Neither one of us got enough sleep last night.

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February 13, 2020

Hope your little one is feeling better soon!

February 14, 2020

I hope Megan gets better… I know how kids and their many illnesses are … :/ You too!

February 14, 2020

I hope both of you feel better soon!