UG – preeclampsia now
I had my normal weekly appt yesterday and my blood pressure was 150/100 and my blood work from Monday showed some changes to the first draw… so my doctor sent me over to the hospital for monitoring. I spent about 4 hrs there on the monitor and everything was looking good and my blood pressure was down to around 140/85 so they sent me home to do a 24 hour urine collection. I’m just getting so tired of all the drama. I wish something would just go normally. My doctor said he’s pretty sure I have mild preeclampsia and he’s sure I won’t make it to my due date. I just hope that maybe part of my blood pressure being high is from my sinus infection and that I’ll be able to keep the baby in me for at least another week or two. I’m at 34 weeks today so I know that if my 24 hour collection doesn’t go well and I have to have the baby, he or she will be ok (hopefully) but if we could just hold out for another week or two maybe there won’t be any NICU time. I’m just getting really nervous and don’t feel ready at all to have the baby here. We don’t have anything we need because now we’ve had to cancel our baby shower and we were holding out on buying anything until after the shower. I have no bottles, no crib sheets, only one newborn outfit, no breast pump, no baby monitor… etc etc etc. *sighs* I guess I’m just overwhelmed. Yesterday when the doctor was so worried about the 150/100 he talked as if I was not going to be let out of the hospital until after the baby is born and I just about panicked. I guess just keep your fingers crossed for me that everything is ok and that I’m able to last a few more weeks! I’m just really nervous about this whole thing. 🙁
On another topic… my great aunt’s son died yesterday. I didn’t know him too well but I’m pretty close to my great aunt so I feel terrible that I can’t go to the funeral. It’s up in WI tomorrow and I have to go back to the hospital for monitoring tomorrow so there’s no way I can make it. I’m sure she’ll understand but I still feel bad.
I think my sinus infection/strep throat/ear infection are finally starting to get a little better. I only woke up twice last night and once was because my alarm went off to take my Procardia at 4:30am. Definitely the best sleep I’ve had in awhile. I did still wake up with a sore throat but I’m thinking it was partially due to the fact that it was only 62 degree in our house (we didnt’ have the heat on and it got COLD overnight) and I’m still breathing through my mouth so all that cold air going down my already sensitive throat… just not a good combination. Man, I just really hope that since I’m starting to feel a little better that maybe my blood pressure will be better tomorrow. *please please please*
Ok, I need to go shower and stuff so I can take my "collection" to the lab at the hospital.
Oh wait, one more side note. While I was at the hospital they did an ultrasound and the baby is head down! What I thought was the baby’s head pushing into my ribs is actually the baby’s butt! lol. And when I thought he/she was transverse, it’s actually just that his/her legs are really long and he/she stretches them all the way out. So that was good news at least. Hopefully if I have to be induced I’ll be able to have the baby normally. 🙂 They had his/her face on the monitor for awhile and he/she looked so cute. 🙂 Very chubby cheeks and he/she was making sucking movements and shaking his/her head a little. Just very cute. 🙂 They took an estimate for weight but for some reason the ultrasound techs said they couldn’t tell me and that my doctor would have to, but I didn’t actually see the doctor so I have no idea what they found.
Alright, have to go shower. And raid the Halloween candy…. I need a butterfinger. I’m stressed. 😉