But how does that impact YOU?
My roommate is something else…and I know until I can either make enough to move out and be able to afford rent on my own, or find a place that I can afford right now, he’s a means to an end
He watches the news, nonstop. That cannot be healthy considering this current political climate
He’s already such an anxiety ridden, borderline hermit, not to mention he’s got not one lick of common sense. He’s admitted to me in the past that he’s lazy and expects others to do things for him, and gets away with it. When he told me that, my hairs immediately stood up. All help for him stopped at that point
He’s already got anxiety about our current president being re-elected this fall. I looked at him the other night and said, why is that a bad thing exactly? I am personally not a fan of our current president myself, however, playing devil’s advocate for a second, I asked him what was wrong with him being president a second term
He said he’s a horrible person, went on and on about how he’s so wrong for the country, etc. basically most rhetoric that liberals speak
I said, well, your stocks are up, unemployment is down, economy is doing well, all things that he says he’s helped provide this country
How is him being the president again impact you?
I then said, if the Democrats flip the Senate, it doesn’t matter who’s president. He’ll just sit there tweeting all day and the country can normalize a little from all of his illegal behavior
That seemed to calm him a little
Then last night, again watching some news show, Bill Maher I believe, he came out and said they were talking about if he wasn’t re-elected, he wouldn’t leave the White House, that he was Commander in Chief, he would command them to let him stay, the election was fake
I just shook my head and said, how would that impact you, him not leaving the White House? He said that his friends overseas think the US is a joke now. Mind you, I doubt very highly he has ‘friends’ because he alienates all of them, at least locally.
Does that impact you, personally?
He got all worked up and continued talking about it as he went back to his room
It’s no wonder my therapist thinks I need some space from him…he’s something else
I wish I can help you
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I tend to agree with him.
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send him to me…I will drive him more crazy then he can ever imagine driving you crazy…..
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