spiraling down to the hole in the ground
its not what it seems
im sitting on the bus when i realize it all again.. the almost fictitious faces crowding the seats-i was the only one with curly hair…anyway it all seemed so fake. everyone was dead silent in their own world traveling through town.. it seems so, well, average ya know? day in and out doin the same thing. routine has set in nicely but im still having trouble figuring out how i fit into the scheme of things.
no cash to support my habits. i have become the person digging through ashtrays for partial cigarettes and roaches from previous gatherings. done my best for years not to be a bummer and now i find myself at the mercy of anyone with a pack. on top of that the electric bill came today (upon discovery jon and i let out a loud BOOOO) but because of our switch to a more energy conservative lifestyle we owe ’em a lot less so i ought not complain.
joe will be in venice and rome on jon’s 21st.. as much as i wish he could be around for the festivities i know he’s having a blast.. kid’s gone all europe slang on me (which is totally joe) hes got a style all his own.
special day planned for sunday..hopefully this trip will be just as grand as the last…