Why do some people…

take EVERYTHING for granted?

My husband (we’ll call him "D") has done nothing but take the kids and me for granted lately.  I’m at the end of my rope and feel like I have no where to go.  No where. 

It started over the weekend when he brought up his "company picnic" for work.  It’s tonight.  The office is having a big picnic that he’s going to "stop by" so that he doesn’t look like the bad guy on the team for not going.  It turned into a big ordeal because I was asking questions and making comments how it’s not right that with as large as the corporation is that he works for that they don’t include the whole family.  That I thought it was strange and quite frankly rude that spouses and children weren’t invited.  Well then it comes out that they are invited, but if the kids and I go then he’ll have to hang around longer and I’d have to meet him there blah blah blah.  So basically I feel completely uninvited at this point and not even wanted there.  I feel like he doesn’t want all his co-workers to meet me and the kids.  The conversation got so intense that I was bawling.  I just felt like he was embarassed by me or something, I don’t even know.   So obviously now I don’t want to go, he of course gives me an attitude that now I don’t want to go or that I even want to go in the first place.  So basically it was left at him going and not staying long, just making an appearance.  Ok, fine.

Fast forward to today.  As of Tuesday D had tomorrow off from work.  Great, I set 7 appointments for tomorrow (for my home business).  Each appointment takes about 45 mins and they are over the phone.  I usually plan them only when our youngest is napping because the older kids can occupy themselves for quite awhile.  However, since I think he has the day off I book appointment on the hour EVERY HOUR tomorrow.  I was having a pretty bad day, kids were really misbehaving, had several unwanted phone calls, just a bad day.  He calls me to check on our day and i end up in tears because I’m so stressed out.  So then I double check that he has tomorrow off and no, he doesn’t.  He decided to work it instead of taking it off.  GREAT.  Now what am I supposed to do?!  A 17 month old is NOT going to occupy herself for the ENTIRE day, just not going to happen.  Sure, I can try and reschedule the appointments, but how professional is that, and then I risk the chance of people not showing up for the "rescheduled" appointment.  Then he says to me (all while I’m crying) "do you care if I go to the picnic tonight?"  What am I supposed to say??  So I simply say "I guess" to which he replies " I won’t stay long, I’ll just stop by"  Fine.

Well he got out of work at 4 to go to the picnic and when I tried calling him at 7:30 to see where he was and didn’t get an answer on his cell.  That in itself makes me so upset.  Our youngest daughter has SEVERE allergies and how does he know what is wrong??  He didn’t call me back until 7:45 to let me know that he’s on his way home.  It’s over an hour drive.  So just stopping by turned into 2 1/2 – 3hrs of visiting.

Am I being unreasonable?  I guess I just feel like I deserve a break.  I watch the kids from the time they wake up until the time they go to bed lately.  He’s not been much of a help.  I do my best to keep up with the house, but with a home business and three kids under 7yrs old, the house is the least of my worries.  He gets home and doesn’t get excited to see all of us, nope, he gets mad if there are any toys out, mad if there are any dishes in the kitchen.  Give me a break, please. 

I suppose I just feel like when he talked to me at work today and heard how stressed out I was that he would have either literally just stopped by the picnic, or said that he couldn’t make it because I needed him.  Is that too much to ask?  Now he’s on his way and expects me to be in a good mood when he gets here.  He actually said that to me when he called.  Um yeah.  Great mood.  I have an appointment at 9, so he’ll walk in and I’ll go deal with my appointment after taking care of the kids from first thing this morning until now.

End rant.

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August 9, 2006

Ok well I think that he needs to really take into consideration all that you do with the kids. He could not handle all 3 of them for one entire day, nevermind everyday. And the whole pinic thing was wrong- he should’ve atleast invited you to go. Ofcourse who am I to talk, I’m single lol?! But I think you have every right to be upset, stressed, and whatever else you are.

August 9, 2006

You guys need to sit and really talk, without it turning into an argument. He needs to see that you are hurt and stressing out and needs to try and be a little more understanding of your needs. It will get better dollface, and don’t stress about my baby shower – worry about everything else. I love you!

August 10, 2006

Men are occasionally “handcuffed” by work obligations and can’t get out of them, even if their wives are desperate for assistance. This seems to be the situation that “D” was in with the picnic. What you did NOT say is whether or not this type of work obligation has gotten in the way before. If it has not, then I would try suggest letting this one go. There is no use to “keeping score” here.

August 10, 2006

That being said, I agree with the other noter… if it really bothers you, then you need to sit and talk about it with him. Speak from the “I need…” and “I feel…” and “I hope…” point of view and don’t attack him. Let him know how important YOUR job is to you (both the SAHM and the business). 🙂

August 15, 2006

Random Noter…you noted me…I also have 3 daughters….I agree with your previous noters, you need to tell him what you need from him, don’t attack him, it just makes matters worse, trust me…been there, done that, I have the trophy t-shirt…

August 19, 2006

RYN- one wrong – the hills. And I think it’s time for a new entry 🙂