The Boyfriend Survey

*+*+*~About You~*+*+*
Name?: Kayla
Age?: 19
Sign?: Virgo
Height?: 5’2"
Body Type?: Thick;)

*+*+*~About Him~*~*~*
Name?: MIchael
Age?: 32
Sign?: Aquarius
Height?: 5’10"
Body Type?: Broad shoulders, a lil belly, and just overall cute.
Birthday?: Feburary 2nd.
Religion?: Non-Practicing Baptist Christian.
Eye Color?: Bluish Green
Hair Color?: Light brown, with some sun lightened highlights.
Best physical feature?: His eyes and his broad shoulders.

*+*+*~How It All Started~*+*+*
When did you meet?: August of last year.
Where did you meet?: A keg party.
Did you know one another before you started dating?: Vaguely.
Did you like each other right off the bat or did it take time?: It took a bit of time, we were both shy but that didn’t last long.
Who made the first movie?: Movie? I didn’t know it was like that, yo.
Where was your first date?: We went to his house and just hung out and got to know one another. We had both worked all day and weren’t up for a night on the town.
Did your parents approve of him?: At first my mom wasn’t too happy because of his age, now she likes him though. 🙂
Did his parents approve of you?: It was a while before they knew about me, but I think they like me now. 🙂

*+*+*~Have You Ever~*+*+*
Met each other’s families?: Yep.
Held hands in public?: Of course.
Hugged?: Yep.
Kissed?: Yes:)
Fooled Around?: Yep:)
Had sex?: WHOOP WHOOP!! Hell yeah.
Said: I love you? Yes.
If so, who said it first?: He did at a get together.
Did/do you mean it?: I do now.

*+*+*~Does He…~*+*+*
Play with your hair?: Yes.
Kiss your neck?: Yes.
Kiss your tummy?: If he is down in that area. Giggity giggity:P
Kiss your forehead?: Yes : )
Nuzzle you?: When we are getting ready to go to sleep.
Cuddle with you?: Yes, some of our best times.
Hold you when you’re scared?: Yes, and generally laughs at me cause I’m a nanner.
Protect you?: Yes.
Yell at you?: He raised his voice once, but it wasn’t towards me.
Start fights?: Nope, he avoids them like the plague.
Get mad and storm out?: Nope.
Try to talk things out?: He’s the best at that, he always makes me feel better.
Trust you?: With his whole heart.

*+*+*~Do You…~*+*+*+
Let him know how you feel?: Most of the time, I try.
Trust him?: Yes.
Yell at him?: I have before.
Start fights?: I try not to.
Try to talk things out?: Yes.
Comfort him when he’s upset?: Of course, he says I am the perfect nerve medicine:P
Cook for him?: I cooked him fajitas out of a box, but other than that one time he’s the head chef in charge.
Snuggle up to him?: Yes. 🙂

Is this true love?: Yes, without a doubt.
How do you know?: I feel it when I’m with him.
Have you ever been in love before him?: Yes.
Why is this different?: We’re so comfortable together. We have so much in common and we just fit together like a pair of socks. He’s the best.
Does his touch still give you goosebumps?: Yes. *shivers*

*+*+*~The Future~*+*+*
Can you see a future together?: Yes I can.
Do you want to get married?: Maybe, one step at a time.
Does he?: Yes.
Do you two live together?: Nope..
Has he ever asked you to marry him?: No.

*+*+*~The Bad Stuff~*+*+*
What does he do that you hate?: He’s really over-protective of me.
What do you do that he hates?:  I binge drink, and I do what I want…and get all Cartman like.
To your knowledge, has he ever cheated on you?: No, and I don’t think he would.
If so, why did you stay with him?: It doesn’t apply.
Have you ever cheated on him?: *fifth*
If so, does he know about it?: *fifth*
If he ever did cheat, would you be able to fogive him?: I honestly don’t know…
Have you ever broken up before?: Nope.
Over what?: Doesn’t apply.
Has it all been worth it in the end?: Yes, he is amazing. We haven’t been through too much though, but the things we have are DEFINITELY worth it.

*+*+*~The Good Stuff~*+*+*
What’s the most romantic thing he’s ever done for you?: It’s just the little things that let you know he cares. But on Valentine’s Day we’d been together barely two months, he got me a dozen roses and a TY panda bear. Instead of getting me some cutsy wootsy animal he remembered that I LOVE pandas.
What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for him?: I give him back rubs, foot massages, and little things to let him know he means the world to me.
Is he more of a Frog or a Prince Charming?: He’s a cute mixture of both. He’s like a diamond in the rough. I wasn’t even looking and I stumbled across the most perfect guy ever.
Do you play around with each other?: Of course, we tickle and scare the piss out of each other. We always have fun together.
Do you wrestle?: While we tickle we can get down. lol
Do you tickle each other?: Of course. LOL
Do you tease each other (in a fun way)?: We pick on each other about silly things, but I don’t tell him he has big ears or smelly feet.
Does he show you off to his friends?: He’s about like me, he has one best friend and a couple of other associates. But the ones he does have I’ve met.
Do you show him off to your friends?: Of course:)

*+*+*~The Funny Stuff~*+*+*
Have you ever been caught making out? By who?: We were kissing, and a couple of people saw us. But we weren’t tounge deep in each other…we’re tasteful.
Have you ever been caught fooling around? By who?: Nope.
Was it embarassing, or did everyone just laugh it off?: Doesn’t apply.<b

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Has he ever made you laugh so hard that something came out of your nose?: Almost…he almost got me once.
How about peed your pants?: Nope.

*+*+*~Everything Has a History~*+*+*
How long have the two of you been dating?: Nearly 7 months.
Was it a good beginning or a rocky one?: It was good.
Do you have a history with any of his friends?: Actually yes, I dated the guy he was with at the keg party we met at.
Does he have a history with any of yours?: Nope.
Do either of you have a history that keeps coming back up?: Vaguely.
Did the: Totatally. LOL
Is this the longest relationship you’ve ever been in?: No, the third.
If not, what was?: Nearly three years and then second was 8 months.

*+*+*~Random Questions~+*+*+
Say something that only the two of you would understand?: GET OVA HEAH NAPPY. 
Do you like the way he dresses?: Yep, he’s a cute kind of preppy relaxed style going on. 
Are you still as attracted to him physically as you were in the beginning?: Hells yeah.
Would you still love him if he gained twenty pounds?: Of course, he’s the best.
How about fifty?: Yes.
Do you know where he is right now?: He was going to his cousin’s wedding, but I’m sure he’s home now passed out on the couch.
Are you two best friends?: He’s my signicficent other, but not necessarily my best friend. I trust him with my life, but I couldn’t tell him anything and everything like my best friend.
What would you do if he called you right now and broke up with you?: Be a bit devasted, and then get drunk and slowly get over it. 🙁
Do you think that would ever happen?: I hope not.
Would you trust him with all of your money?: Yes, he’s a good money manager.
How about your car?: Yes, he’s a better driver than I am.
How about your life?: Yes.
Is he a good kisser?: Hells yeah.
Does he tell you that you’re beautiful?: Yep:)
Does he tell you that you’re hot?: Not really, he’s a lil more respectful.
Do you think he’s shallow?: There is not a shallow or mean bone in his body.
Do you think he would care if you suddenly gained fifty pounds?: Maybe not.
Would he stick around if you got pregnant?: Yes he would.

*+*+*~Final Questions~+*+*
Does he make you happy?: He makes me ecstatic:)
Do you make him happy?: Yes.
Do you think he’s: Yes, all the way. 😛
Finally, after thinking all of this through, do you love him?: Crazy in love with him. Even more so everyday.


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July 27, 2008

Awwwwww! He sounds like a great guy! (Of course, no one is as wonderful as my Gwommy! 🙂 ) RYN: Sewing with a treadle sewing machine is actually more fun than using an electric machine. The only bad thing is that the non-electric ones don’t have a built in light over the needle, so you need a lamp close by to see what you’re doing. It is harder to thread the bobbin though… Love, Lidia

July 30, 2008

Eek! Awesome survey, i HAVE to do this! You guys are just too cute. 😛 I’m sorta down with puters, but not viruses, i’m getting there though. I think. Boo!! You didn’t do any proper entries yet did you? I’m waiting to be updated! 😛 Exactly like nut sacks hehe, you got it! I love the word bollocks. I am a saddo though haha. Oh Happy 7 month anniversary

July 30, 2008

for Monday! lols Stephen and i have been together for…. around 2 and a half years. We’re not married (yet lol) but we are engaged. It’s gonna be for a while though, money and stuffs. I am the female version of him and him vice versa lols. 😀 Haaaa chicken paste is kinda gross. But the gross that it’s good? It’s literally paste in a tiny jar, that you spread

July 30, 2008

like butter… on butter, to make a sandwich lol. Probably another bad thing for us but it tastes good! To me anyhow hahah. Ooo what’s a juvinile crime? Like against a person? LoL… If you’re a chubster then i’m a Mega-Chubster! lol, and i don’t even need to huge portions! Everything’s better over your side of the world though. Damn i gotta go, hav a great wk!x

July 30, 2008

Eek i almost missed a note! You know what wanking is over there then?… hahaha. I’m not big on Nissans, although i do like the Nissan 350Z, and i think i saw on one of your surveys that it’s your fave? Good taste dude! 😉 Yeah i have a VW Golf TDI (Deisel) – i think you mainly use petrol over there though? I’m very fussy on cars… LOL. Joe (guy with Porche)

July 30, 2008

Also drives a Mercedes. How rich does he think he is then. He’s the worlds biggest ASS, and also happens to be my step brother! Good times…. not! My bitterness is a very long story, and nowt to do with jealousy, i promise. 😛 lol Have a fandabbydozey week! HAve good times!! ?