I always copy and paste. I hope you at least like it where you live. I know too many people who grew more and more frustrated with their family because they didn’t want to leave. I don’ wan’ that to happen. How are your chillens? You might not see this note for six months. But that’s ‘kay! tchau.
Oh, I see I see. A slightly larger city, eh? It’s hard to find a place where everyone and their mom doesn’t know your business because people isolate themselves into subcommunities when the cities start to grow. What about St. Louis? No? Okay, it was just a thought. I hope you find a place that you like a whole lot, though. tchau.
I always copy and paste. I hope you at least like it where you live. I know too many people who grew more and more frustrated with their family because they didn’t want to leave. I don’ wan’ that to happen. How are your chillens? You might not see this note for six months. But that’s ‘kay! tchau.
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Oh, I see I see. A slightly larger city, eh? It’s hard to find a place where everyone and their mom doesn’t know your business because people isolate themselves into subcommunities when the cities start to grow. What about St. Louis? No? Okay, it was just a thought. I hope you find a place that you like a whole lot, though. tchau.
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