well, i’m home

and it’s good.  i got here without any troubles.  grandma is here too because she was diagnosed with cervical cancer on Friday and we are taking her to a specialist.  that appointment is today.  i hope it goes well.  pray for her.

on Saturday, i was with my sister, and i had a great time.  we hung out with her friends and they are tons of fun.  and they like me.  yey.  šŸ™‚  i hope i can come to visit her more often next year. 

yesterday i hung out with Jason pretty much from the time i got home.  he’s the best.  and we picked up Chris and got ice cream which was fun as well.  we even made it to his lax game.  which was fun quality time with Jason.  he’s so much fun to flirt with. haha. 

so i am talking to that Chris boy today.  i hope.  he’s done with lax practice at 6 and i have youth mass practice at either 7 or 7:30.  so that’s going to be a tight fit to squeeze in such an important conversation.  but i have to do it.  if i don’t, my head will explode.  god give me strength.

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i’m glad you got home safe. i know i don’t get to see you often but i’ll still miss you šŸ™‚ love, nathan