i’m staring at the asphalt, wondering

so this is it.  i’m sitting here, all my things in bags and boxes, the computer’s the last thing to go.  I just said goodbye to Katie and then Chelsea.  my parents will be here any minute.  the dorm is once again, a ghost town.  why am i always the last one to leave?  i won’t be home until Tuesday, so now i have this gap of being between places.  not home, but not at school.  in the words of Katie, “that sucks.”  i wish i could close my eyes in Virginia and open them in Oregon.  i will miss this place.  this room, this dorm, this environment, this lifestyle.  not just for the summer, but next year as well.  things will be different.  i hope they are a good different, but it stands that they will not be the same.  so as i leave, i’m trying to let it go.  to remember the things that happened in this place in my life, but not to miss them too dearly.  i’ll remember the late night dance parties, the movies, and the music.  the lack of work that went on during the day because all we could do was nothing.  sitting in Chelsea’s bed, sleeping till 1 on the weekends.  Katie staying in our room until 2 and 3 in the morning because though she tried, she could not go to sleep at 12, when she first said she was.  Chelsea, our mom, fixing me green tea, and making sure i left the dorm looking presentable.  Chelsea freaking out at paper jams, and checking her alarm 85 times to be sure that it was still set.  yarn and feathers everywhere, a layer of dust on everything, an obstacle course for a floor.  a freezing cold bathroom and suite mates that must hate us because of how loud we are at all times.  taking my showers with the door opened and my music loud enough to hear.  being that comfortable. 

thanks girls.  for all it’s ups and downs, it’s been a pretty decent year.  and i know one thing.  i wouldn’t have made it without you.

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