IHOP: where all the sodomy laws come into question

so the second half of mac rock night was even better than the first.  +/- rocked.  mates of state rocked harder.  Pedro the lion rocked hardest.  i bought me a $1 Pedro pin that i shall wear with pride.  fun times clicking people into the show, asking drunk people to leave the show, and sitting on stage, 3 feet from Pedro, bobbing my head to the swingin groove.  and another thing.  i have never seen so many hot indie rocker boys in my life.  i thought i’d died and gone to heaven.  aside from that, i had so much fun with my 3 favorite east coast girls.  yey for cool music and cool kids.

and so Chelsea and i just went to ihop, with the initial intention of finding this one mac rock after party.  we didn’t find it.  we decided we were much to hungry to care.  news flash:  you don’t need to go to parties to meet drunk people!  and bold one’s at that.  if he’s out there, a great big thanks and a high five to “will,” for entertaining Chelsea and i with his drunken questions about Harrisonburg sodomy laws, among other things.  oh my.  what an evening.  aaaand i have to get up in four hours.  whoo.  g’night kids.

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