home at last!

wow that took forever.

last night, at 7:00, i finally flew home.  i was supposed to get in the previous night at 9.  my flight got cancelled, but not before waiting in the airport for 8 hours for them to tell us that the flight was cancelled.  yey delta.  at least they paid for the hotel room i stayed in that night, and gave me a meal voucher for whopping dollars.  whee.  well it doesn’t matter all that much, because now, I’M HOME.

my parents took me to la terraza on our way home, and it was delightful.  how perfect to go to one of my favorite restaurants on my first night back.  and the night wasn’t even over, little did i know. but five minutes after i walked in the door and the phone rang.  it was Chris.

me: hello?
Chris: helllllo!
me : HI!!! How are you!?!?!?!? I’m home!
Chris: i know!
me: what are you doing?
Chris: I’m with Jason.  We’re coming to get you.

so we went over to Jason’s house and watched school of rock.  i can’t imagine a better way to spend my first night back than sitting snug on a comfy couch between two of my favorite guys in the world, watching a good movie. yey for surprise kidnappings by good friends. 

it’s good to be back.

i wonder how Katie did with Yeager yesterday…

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haha…school of rock…”the bees knees?” haha..oh my