snowboarding part 2

i have to keep this short for reasons that will be revealed shortly.  basically, katie and i went snowboarding for the second time (and brought chelsea along) …all was going well.  I even got off the lift without falling!!!!  that was amazing.  Not so amazing:  i fell on my way down the hill, landed on my wrist funny, and fractured my radius.  of my right hand, to boot!  so i get a cast tomorrow, which will remain for at least 4 weeks.  whoo-hoo.  not.  oh well, i’m just glad katie and chelsea are here to help me with so many things i didn’t realize require two hands.  oh, and this also means goodbye swimming class, and my master plan to get in shape.  maybe there’s some reason for this happening that i haven’t discovered yet.  wow.  typing is hard, and my pain killers are making me tired.  so goodnight.

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