Too many good days in a row

Today, and yesterday, were absolutely wonderful.  …for the most part.

Yesterday was the annual Smith/Wills/random stragglers game night.  =)  I love party games.  It was especially wonderful because we decided to combine the party with our 3rd annual smash brothers’ tournament.  Oh, fun times.  Before anything started, Andrew Hassold was the first to arrive, and we played lots of fun card games.  He makes me so happy.  =) A lot of food and several games later, the tournament got underway.  *sigh* Poor Dom, the best player out of all 12 of us, was matched up with me, the worst player of the 12, by luck of the draw.  Good thing Dom is such a good sport, as well as a good friend, and he pretended like it didn’t matter.  He still managed to win the first two rounds, despite my suckiness.  Haha.  At least I was able to redeem myself a little when it came to micro machines.  That game is freakin hilarious.  Anyway, lots of fun people were there, many good friends and almost-relatives (the Wills).  Kelly and Scott even came.  =)  I love that Kelly manages to come to my parties even though she has oh so much to do.  But we all know I love Kelly more than I can say, so of course I love that she came.  When the tournament had ended, and Mac (my bro) and Katherine had proved victorious, the party continued in much fun.  We played some spoons and poker among other things (in my room—that makes me so glad.) with a group of maybe 8, and then it mellowed out a bit, an I taught Andrew (Hassold) some things on guitar.  That was fun.  The best part of the evening was when Andrew (Abaria) and Dominic, and eventually Gennie and Colleen rejoined Andrew (Hassold) and I in my room while we were playing guitar, and I played and the two brothers and I sang.  Tee-hee.  Rockin out to Michelle Branch.  *grin.* after almost everyone had left, Katherine (my “little sister”) and I were still playing taboo with Gennie and Colleen (my second sister), for like 2 hours.  That was insane.  We KILLED them!  The score was like 111 to 87 or something equivalent.  It was awesome, and we laughed a whole hell of a lot. 

Today, youth mass is the second reason for all the happies.  eep.  And then, it was the choir Christmas party after mass.  Oh so much fun.  We ate and played mafia and micro machines again as well as smash brothers.  We also had a gift exchange which was quite entertaining.  My scarf that I made was stolen twice, first by father Ron of all people, and then by Maggie, until it was dead >:D.  We also sang some Christmas carols, as the choir always sings when they gather. 

But the whole thing was great just because it felt like every other choir party I have ever been to; it felt like I had never left.  I was laughing and playing and singing and enjoying myself as much as always, and the time flew by.  I hugged and was hugged by so many people.  That is something I miss so much when I am at school.  I of course have Chelsea and Katie and Bryan and Becky to hug, (all the key players =) as well as a few others, but at home, I have SO MANY people to hug.  The love is everywhere.  I am such a touchy feely person, so I love being surrounded by people that I am so comfortable with that we can be always in contact with each other.  For some reason that is how I have always expressed my feelings for those I love. 

…continued in next entry…

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December 30, 2003

Do you know how to play Euchore? It’s a card game, mostly in the midwest. 4 people, 2 vs 2 thing. Anyways it’s awesome and i thought of that when you said you were matched with Dom. I’ll have to teach it to you. Adios.