a good day

Wow.  Tonight was a fun evening.

Tuesdays are always busy for me, but right from the beginning of the day, it was good.  I slept until 10:30.  Which was really nice.  Especially after my all-nighter the night before… which ended up being somewhat unnecessary… oh well.  So then I went to my classes, blah blah blah.  They were good and all, but class is class.  OH!  In-between classes, Chelsea and I went to wal-mart and bought baking soda, a lint roller, and cupcakes.  we decided these are the three essential items for survival. 

Then tonight, I went to quest, which was moved an hour earlier, allowing time to go over to Bryans to eat some food and drink some tea.  It was lovely.  Then I was SO happy because I got to go to swing club!  I hadn’t been for 2 weeks because of various conflicts.  I learned how to Charleston!  It was great fun.  I danced with a really nice boy named Luke, who came and danced with me during the free dance after the lesson.  He is really cool and a pretty good lead, so although I don’t know much swing yet, I can follow him.  It’s a good arrangement.  Afterwards he walked me home, which I thought was sweet. 

on another note, my mom was here this week.  =D It was a good family fix.  My sister also came up from tech, and we had good quality time with the grandparents.  I also finally got out around Harrisonburg, and eat at some places NOT on campus.  whee.  Her fist night, we went to little grill.  mmmmmmmmmmmm. The Greek pasta is so damn good.  Mom also took me and Katie to Dave’s taverna, which was absolutely wonderful.  We had such fun, especially when we talked to the random guy who happened to be working at little grill the night before, and recognized us.  He had his little baby girl with him and she was so very adorable.  My mom talked religion with him for like 35 minutes. heh heh heh. *sigh* Mom is home now, but my dad will be here tomorrow.  *grin* I miss my dad-o.  I am excited.

I still miss all my friends… and of course, Chris.  But things are so busy these days; it seems I don’t have time to think about anything but what I’m doing at the moment.  It makes me so happy to talk to Ariel, and Seanacey, which I have been doing more often these days. 

Home is only a month and a half away!

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kirsten makes me smile! <3 the chelster