a Friday night without my appendages


Wow.  It is really strange to be here in my room without Chelsea and
Katie for more than 2 hours.  It was really strange not to be
going out with them on a Friday night. =(  …but I still had *some*

So, this evening, I was invited to go over to Ickenberry to hang out with
Bryan and a bunch of other cool kids.  There were only a few minor
problems; Bryan hadn’t really specified what time, nor had he happened to
mention the number of the room in which he lives. I didn’t get around to leaving
my dorm until somewhere around 10:30, but I figured it would all
be gravy–college parties *do* go late.

I get all cute and ready to leave.  I remember that Kelly (Tillman)
told me she wanted to go out sometime, and I remember that I am without my usual
appendages (meaning Chelsea and Katie), so I drop by her room on a whim and see
what she’s up to.  She decides to come.  We head over to the village,
not really knowing the exact location of Ickenberry.  After asking many
strangers, and 20 minutes of walking around, we find the building.  Now we
just have to find the room.  Too bad Ickenberry is cracked out and has 3
different sections, all of which require JAC card resident access to get
in…  for the outside door AND the stairwell!  We first try section
B, by knocking on the window of the kid in the ground floor room next to the
door.  He kindly agrees to come and open it for us.  It is an all
girls section. (Apparently that guy was just visiting.) 
 We try section C, by the same method.  We ask if anyone has heard of
a Bryan, and if they could tell us where to find him.  No such luck. 
Still no Bryan.  We are beginning to think he does not exist in the
material world.  At last, we find someone who knows him.  When we ask
these girls where he lives, we are told, section A (of course).  They
exchange a look, and say something like “Ohhhhhh, *Alex’s* suite,” in only a
slightly disconcerting tone.  After letting us into section A, one of
the girls proceeds to tell us to “have fun,” in a rather foreboding
manner.  Kelly and I exchange meaningful glances, and begin to climb the
stairs.  NO ONE is in his suite.  It is 11:30, and they have
left.  *disappointed*

So now the question is, what do we do?  I suggest checking out
Thomas’ frat (*grimace*) to see if there is a party or what going on.  I do
not like fraternities, but to-mas is a cool kid, and neither of us have any
desire to sit in our dorm room on Friday night.  Besides, it is a nice
long walk, and it is a nice clear night with lots of stars, so if nothing is
happening there, it won’t be a total loss.  Kelly is up for it.  We
begin the journey.  We have a lovely walk, and I discover in more depth how
much Kelly and I are alike.  It is only slightly weird that one of my very
favorite people in the world also happens to be named Kelly.  =)

We reach the theta chi house in no time it seems; (time really does
fly when you’re having fun!) and it doesn’t seem to be throwing a party,
though there are plenty of people there.  As we walk almost past the house,
some guys on the porch yell out “good evening, ladies!”  I shout back,
“good evening!”  They invite us in, and seeing how I know 3 guys in this
frat, and the place was FULL of people, it looked pretty safe.  Kelly and I
had each other’s back.  So we go in, and look for Thomas.  Takes less
than 5 seconds to find him.  He is drunk.  No surprise. 
Wow.  Drunken people sure are funny.  I don’t think I have ever been
so amused with the behavior of a group of drunk people as I was tonight. 
In the 5 seconds it took us to find tom, I think I was hit on by 3 different
drunken frat boys.  Wow.  That was a little strange.  I was very
glad to be with Kelly, and to find Thomas, albeit a somewhat drunken
Thomas.  He introduced us to several of his “brothers” (my ass, you can’t
buy friendship if you ask me) including his “big brother,” who wanted a
hug.  I was thinking, “negatory ghostwriter.”  I don’t have a problem
with flirting with sober guys who I have at least met once before, but drunk
frat guys who I have never met before in my life and probably only want a piece
of ass… no.  I don’t care how good-looking you are.

So we are just chillin’ in the main entry way/sitting room where at
least 25 people (maybe one other girl) are hanging out.  Thomas is
introducing us to people left and right.  Let me tell you, I had seen
Thomas drunk before, but not like this.  He is really odd
and affectionate.  Keeps wanting to hug everyone.  Tells the same
joke at least 7 times.  It was quite entertaining.  So was the fact
that He decided to mention random things like “Chelsea is such a good friend of
mine,” and “Katie is hot… and so are you and Kelly.”  I laughed quite a
bit.  We then ran into a completely plastered Phil, followed by a somewhat
drunk Abercrombie, who after looking at Kelly for a few seconds, asks,
“woa. Where did your lip ring go?!”  Kelly = “Right here where I left
it.”  *points to lip* HAHAHA.  After about 30 minutes of this
entertainment, Kelly and I decide it is time to go.  Thomas and his
“brothers” = “Already? Why?  You should stay!”  Kelly and I = “Naw,
that’s alright… we have… other plans…”  Kelly and I leave the frat
house, and as soon as we hit the corner, burst in to laughter.  Kelly
suggests that we drop by theta chi more often, just for kicks.  I agree
that this could be an entertaining tradition. 


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AH! that sounds like so much fun hahaha. i wish i couldve been there 🙁 im coming back today!! love, [evanescence]

good diary 🙂 [*~Advice~*]