Some photos from London
this is only a small selection of the photos from london but i will edit this and add a few more at a later date!
This was a cute dragon and then we looked closer and its sun bathing on a tortouises back, lazy thing!
raaarrrrr Tiger! how pretty is he!
Pretty fish, this was actually difficult to take because although fish dont move quickly they do move so its hard to not have it blurry!
a gorgeous Giraffe, they were huge and soo beautiful!!
this is nicky when we went into the hard rock cafes vault, i cant remember who’s guitar and glasses they were atm but ill ask nicky later!
our next stop was the ice bar and as you can see the walls and everyhting is made of ice! god it was cold!
here is nicky and i in our huge jackets to keep us vagualy wam and we had gloves aswell so we could hold out ice glasses!!
well thats all the pics i have for now because im at work! tee hee! yes i no i have done like 3 entries today!!
I don’t think that’s a tortoise, it look more like a piece of a tree… and I think the glasses are kurt cobain’s Xxx
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I have to agree with really does look like a piece of tree…. Come see my show! *pokes out tongue* x
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Should be for friday, I wouldn’t count on saturday though, was 96% last I heard for saturday. That was last weekend. Hopefully by Friday it’ll be better! Though liz said it was “quite funny” …. *shrug* 🙂 x
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I don’t know whitings email. And I’ve only got the one message from you, phones have been a bit of a touchy subject lately. And you can never have too many! Woo I’ve got a Rabbit! x
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