1. I’ve come to realize that my last kiss…
Was to quick as it didn’t last forever
2. I am listening to…the buzz of the office and the clock ticking till home time!
3. I talk…to the girls around me and myself lots
4. I love…
my girl!
5. My best friend(s)…
is amazing and im lucky to have her
6. My first real kiss…
was interesting and should be forgotten!
8. I hate it when people ask…me really stupid questions!
9. Love is…awesome!
10. Marriage is…something I want sometime in my life
11. Somewhere, someone is wondering…what the forgot to do today
12. I’ll never…forget the ones I love and deliberately hurt them!
13. I had a secret crush…that wasn’t very secret
14. The last time I cried…was last night
15. My mobile phone is…a good friend of mine!
16. When I wake up in the morning…I think that I should have gone to bed earlier and is it this time already!
17. Before I go to bed…I talk to my girlfriend and read a few pages of my book
18. Right now I am thinking about…leaving work in 5 mins time going home and having a sleep before going to work at the hotel later!
19. Babies are…so so cute and ugly all at the same time!
20. I go on MySpace…once a day ish to check whats going on.
21. Today…is Friday!!
22. Tonight I will…sleep, work, talk to my girlfriend and then sleep!
23. Tomorrow I will be….SHOPPING!
24. I really want to be….a less fatter version of myself!
you cow, thought you’d lost your phone or your car or something! Xxx
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I’m not booking tickets anymore, box office number is on the website far too much hassle for me to do it. would love to see you there though 🙂 have to sing hopelessly devoted wearing a dress…its worth seeing lol xx
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