to eastbourne and back

well i caved and went to see nicky a week early! i no i no we will have to be apart for 2 weeks at some point but its to hard to do especially when neither of us were doing anyhting anyways!!

anyways i drove to eastbourne saturday morning after finishing work at 2 that morning and waking up at 7 to leave by 8.  well i got royally lost at some point along the way and ended up in chitister, basically i took the right road in the wrong direction! i no i no stupid laura but the directions i had totally followed the way i was going. if it said at the roundabout take the 2st exit signposted A27 sure enough the first exit said that! it was very weird! anyways so only aprox. an hr in the wrong direction so i turned around and went the right way.

ok soo all is good until i tried to leave this evening.  i meant to leave while it was light so i had a hope in hell but left it to late and left about 7.  well to start with the directions that nicky gave me went wrong like 3 roads away from where i started.  ok so turned around and tried another route, got lost there too so stupid an old couple who took me to where i wanted to get toi.  soooo i thought thats it its easy now!! how wrong i would be! im meant to bypass brighton and go around it basically and i found myself driving along the seafront and suddenly i was at brighton pier!   ok so i sound stupid i no but i forgot to mention that since i set off it got very very dark, and the heavens opended like ive never seen before and i couldnt see the road infront let alone if there were any signs ok and then to make it worse there was lightning which really scares me so i was an utter state by the time nicky got me to calm down i had pulled over oppositite the pier and i had been hysterical whilst driving cos i didnt no where i was and it was raining and im veyr very tired and there was a storm. anyways i had to back track 2 mins and then i found a road that eventually got me to where in the A roads and motorway i wanted to go and then it was almost plain sailing. the heavens opened again which really scared me and obviously the storm caught up with me.

anyways im home now and i have a whole week to understand exactly where i need to go to get there again. nicky is doing me colour coded directions so if i get lost i can tell her what colour i got to!!

anyways im off to bed soon cos ive gotta b presentable tomorrow morning. im excited woo hoo!


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hey rude girl! she doesn’t give me any credit at all- both times i directed her (from the very little detail she gave me as to where she was) back onto the roads she was supposed to be on! that was after making her pull over because she was hysterical and was in floods of tears and she wasn’t even fit to hold a conversation let alone drive a car!!!! when she said she got lost it was an

! lol. bless her lil cottons! But laugh lots cos after i calmed down and stopped bein stressed at her i know i have laughed so much! oh and never let her live it down!!!!!!!! Nicky xXx

October 3, 2006

they aint awsome when its my boyfriend that wants to up and leave on one!