o the pain :(


– does pain before sleep cause nightmares and a headache? –

well im sitting here trying to find anything to do that will take away the pain im in.  just before i cry again because it hurts im gonna fill you in.
ive really hurt my shoulders, back and neck somehow.  it hurt yeterday when i woke up but then when i got home from work it was agony, i definatly furthed the pain at work. it was either when i lifted the large carpet on my shoulder from juniper all across lounge bar to the other side of the hotel, or when i had to carry 12 pieces of meat in one flat, average is 8-10 and thats a push when you’ve got out of the habit.  that really really put a strain on my body which isnt good.

and now because my body is tense its causing a severe headache.

i thought i had a really good idea, sleep off the pain by relaxing and you will feel better. WRONG

i had a horrible nightmare that really shook me up because i couldnt decide when i was dreaming and when i wasnt.
i was in a huge house with my family, jo and grants family and then a few people that i didnt recognise as knowing but they lived with us as well.
first i was in bed with some woman and she fell out of bed and started throwing up.  i ran to the staires shouting, keeping my eyes on her all the time then looked away to ask dad for a bucket.  when i looked back to check on her she wasnt there.

then i was in an upstaires room of this house sitting on a bed which had a small window next to it.  there was a boy in the room with me watching what i was doing while sitting on another bed.  i was lighting matches then blowing on them to make them blue then blowing then again to turn it back and then blowing it out completely.  i did that twice and then he boy asked me to do it for him and i turned it blue but then a ghostly face appeared through the window and it was shouting at me.  the first was a girl and for some reason i was told her name was Holly Short.(this is a name i dont no, so if anyone does no a holly short please tell me no).  shes not very vivid anymore so i couldnt tell you what she looked like. anyways i shouted and shouted through my tears ‘go away, go away, go away’ and finally she did.  we calmed down a bit then someone else head came through and they told me their name was ‘Pa Buddy’.  he was wearing lots of eye makeup, had a whitish face, quite long and thin face but young looking.  he was wearing a top hat and i expected to see lots of colours on his cheeks.  anyways i screamed for him to go away and he did.  i was upset because i knew there were lots of people downstaires and no1 had come up when i also started shouting for help.  just before i had a chance to get up and run Pa Buddy came through again and shouted at me to go away while i shouted louder then him.  he left and i ran downstaires to find my mum and jo lighting candles on the dining room table.  i asked them why they wouldnt help me and mum said it was because damo said i was ok and she just thinks that it was karlos leading me astray and telling me to say these things.  i tried to tell her i didnt even no a karlos and she said that she knew i did there was no point trying to hide him!!!(i dont no a karlos).

anyways i went and asked jo if she knew the name Pa Buddy and she said she did and i decribed what i saw and she told me it was the name of a rodie that her husband worked with when he was a manager (and alive). (jo’s husband used to manage bands when he was alive).  this really upset me but still didnt convince them that i didnt make it up.

anyways i woke up at this point and i cried at the intensity of my headache.  my body felt like it had been through hell while i was asleep.  out of curiousity i asked dad if he knew the name Pa Buddy and Holly Short and he hadnt.  its very strange but it really shook me up and has concerned me.

anyways ill leave you with this final thought-

parenting is like teaching someone to ride a bike, you hold on for dear life but sometime you’ve just got to let go.


edit(6.20pm) – have just found the name Holly Short in my faery research that i havnt read yet.

Fairies in modern popular culture


  • Holly Short


Main figure in Irish writer Eoin Colfer‘s stories about Artemis Fowl. In the first book,

Artemis Fowl discovers the existence of an underground world of fairies. Because of this threat, captain Holly Short is sent to the Earth to eliminate Artemis Fowl. Though she doesn’t want to admit it, she slowly becomes friends with Artemis, and in the third book they form an alliance to fight the Mafia.

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January 11, 2006

Maybe you skim read it before and just didn’t register it *Shrug* don’t read to much into it, you’ll only creep yourself (and me) out x

January 11, 2006

im gna agree with susan…mainly cause thats wierd, u probly did skim read it….ull b ok, take pain killers and get a good nights sleep 🙂 XXXXXX