Going through the motions….
Well, am so very tired and my body is in serious amounts of pain I just got my first pay cheque and fifty quid has gone to the tax man! I hardly see daisy these days and we are nearly always too tired for sex.
I barely have time to eat to be honest and when there is time…ie now I’m just not hungry. All my money is going to go straight away on a stupid bill, but it will be the last bill I have from them so that is a good thing.
I am determind to not moan on and bore you all for another entry lol, *deep breath*
So, am looking forward to my birthday for all those who care enough to send a card or text it’s on the 29th lol. As I’m sure Tamsin will remind everyone it’s on the same day as candice :p
Hopefully going to go to dot cottons it’s the sixteenth anniversary, GAY NIGHT WOO!! Will be cool… also have a night off work next week for gay matts birthday party will be awesome we are getting the coach to a club in Newmarket and then being picked up at four before somehow crawling home….shit it is a long walk lol. Buggeration! I bet I’m at work for fucking 8 the next day. *Goes to check* I fucking well am BASTARDS! Same with the night of my birthday. ARRRRGGHHHHHH this is the shittiest year ever. I fucking hate it!
One good thing and everyone touch wood please *licks wooden desk in front of her whilst touching her head and a black pen* My skin is improving slowly but surely with the help of my lush products ooh er!!
Well am going to mope now until daisy gets home (I hope she has my pie!!)
Ciao bellas
your skin is improving? dare I ask what was wrong with it? Xxx
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im wit liz on that one! and hey it was fab speaking to you this week hunni btw! i sure the year will get better!!xxxxx
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