Spiderman ain’t got SH!T on me
Yea. Okay, so I had to go to the Minor Emergency Room yesterday. TALK about some FUN….of course I’m being sarcastic…
The whole ordeal started back in March. I was bit on my right foot, on my toe, by a Brown Recluse. Where I live, there are only two spiders that can cause serious damage or fatality. That’s the brown recluse and the Black Widow. Well…I got the former. I woke up one morning, and my toe was awfully sore. I looked down and it appeared that I had a bruise on it. It was the size of a pea. It was blue. I had been wrestling and playing rough with my little boy the night before, SO, I just assumed I’d bumped it too hard or something, because I’d knocked my foot on the table. Well, I showed my husband, and he agreed. Oh it was painful though! We were going to go get it x-rayed the next day to make sure it wasn’t broken *mind you, this was a Sunday.* If you have ever been bitten by a brown recluse, you know, you can’t wait!! You can NOT let it sit for ANY amount of time. They get nasty FAST. Well, that night, it was hurting even more. It was swollen at that point and my toe, itself, had begun to turn purple. Well…Monday came, and I couldn’t get in to the doctor. They were booked solid. So I thought it would be alright to wait until that night. I hadn’t really LOOKED at my toe. If I look at a wound, it always seems to hurt worse. Well…it was around 6pm, and my husband grabs my arm and said "Oh my God, babe…" Let me just say this…"OH MY GOD BABE" is not the way to begin a conversation… I was like WHAT?? He pointed at my toe, and when I looked, I cried. The spot had begun to open up. There was a black, and I mean BLACK spot in the middle, the whole toe was purple, and the blue around the black had begun to spread. Needless to say we went to the emergency room. I got it looked at and the moron doctor said that I had been bitten by a brown recluse, but it was no big deal….oh and that I had blood poisoning and Cellulitis*skin infection f/ it.* THAT was horrible. She put me on some antibiotics to stop the infection from getting worse. Well….lets just say that through the week, I’d been to my doctor EVERY SINGLE DAY, because it’d gotten so bad. I got a staff infection. The infection had crawled up my leg and was starting to effect my health. I was not allowed to walk. We had to minimize blood flow. Well….that following Friday came and so did the bad news. The doctor wanted to take the leg, from the knee down. We’d planned it for saturday, and I was sent home in tears. He’d drawn a line on my leg, and told me that if I was to see the staff infection rise above that line, I was to go in immediately. The next morning, I woke up and…it had gone DOWN, below the line!!! THAT was the best knews i’d ever heard. It took some time, but the infection cleared. I was off my foot for nearly 3 weeks. My toe looks different than the others, in color. It honestly looks like I tanned it. AND just that toe. Haha. As soon as the skin stopped peeling and healed fully, its become almost perfectly normal…
AND THEN…Friday came. I woke up and there was a nice little spot RIGHT ON THE SAME SPOT ON MY TOE. That was late and then yesterday, just as soon as I could, I went straight to the doctor. They said I’ve gotten bitten again. They said yes…it DOES happen. I don’t know WHY, but apparently it does. So now, I’m back at square one. But this time…this time I’m going to have the upper hand you know? I’m ready for it now. I will NOT be losing my leg. I earned the right to keep it, through a lot of pain. AND we’ve gotten it in the beginning now. Im on medicine as we speak, so just hope that it goes away without incident this time!!! I’ll tell you…there’s nothing like hearing "we have to take the leg"… Byee
I randomed in and oh my goodness, I am glad you didn’t lose your leg, but sheesh twice? You poor thing. *hugs*
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ryn: thanks so much 🙂
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Do you think some spider has a crush on your poor toe? At least you’re getting good at this.
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oh my thats horrible where do you live at? I hope it gets better..damn spiders.
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Thanks 🙂
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Thank you for the note on my diary regarding my pictures. and OMG about the spiders…I hate spiders anyway, but dont want to get bitten by one. 😮 aout the leg. i bet u were so worried. xx
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