I’m horrible, but at least Im not a horrible mom!

Sorry I didn’t keep you posted on the abortion like I promised.  Im writing an article for a magazine on my experiences and Ive been super busy.  Once I get the article together in rough I’ll post it up.

Predeictably I took some slack from an ODer because I *gasp* wrote something in my diary that really happened to me in an honest way.  News flash, anonymous it took me two weeks to get an abortion appointment and the clinic was crowded when I arrived.  Chances are that some of the ladies you didn’t treat shittily today have had one.   Maybe your mom should have considered it and there’d be one less spineless asshole running about judging people from the safety of his jogging pants.

yes I picture people who get mad enough at people they have never met that they have to call them horrible as always wearing elastic waist bands.  They started it by declaring themselves opposite of me.  Since I never wear pants, let alone elastic-y ones, Im fairly certain these people do.  Always.

I doubt he read my whole post anyways, seeing as I clearly pointed out my disdain for humanity as a reason to not breed…way to convince me my species is swell: act like a turd.  Shit now I wish Id popped out a kid.  Maybe one day he’d be a judgemental stranger on the internet just like you!  Because there’s nothing horrible about that.  For that matter if Im horrible, why should I raise a child?  So I can be a horrible mother?  Good point, prolife half wit fuck.  Horrible people should totally have kids.


So Im not really here to say anything about the experience yet.  I want to dedicate myself fully to writing my honest experience which ended up covering a lot more than a simple appointment.  I just dont have the time to concentrate on writing now.  I have a craft sale, a burlesque and roller derby going on right now besides unfun shit like exams and work so Im not getting into it until there is time.


Some monumental shits been going on in my life since I last wrote, some good and some bad and yet again I dont feel like being serious and telling you any of it.  Id rather write something fun:


So here are some songs that make me feel super and not horrible at all.


Beatnik’s Wish-Patsy Raye and the Beatniks

Kiss me Honey Honey-Shirley Bassey

Black Enforcers-Guttermouth

Keasbey Nights-Catch 22

Mother of Pearl-Roxy Music

Here She Comes Now-Velvet Underground

Lullabye of Birdland-Sarah Vaughn

Stand and Deliver-covered by No Doubt.

Cry To Me-Solomon Burke

Trenchtown Rock-Bob Marley

Come Back Where You Belong- Jackie Opel

Get Up Edina-Desmond Dekker

Pressure Drop-Toots and the Maytals

Fireworks-Animal Collective

Heart it Races-Architecture In Helsinki


turn it up, feel awesome.  And dont let people tell you you are horrible because you do what is right for you.  Especially people who are cowards.




…sigh…no wonder I have a superiority complex.


oh and just in case my anonymous little fan comes back I forgot to mention in my last post that we named the fetus "Smocky" since having a baby when you’re poor and young perpetuates the poverty cycle and gaurentees you and your offspring will be working at a job that involves wearing smocks and being paid minimum wage, possibly until you die at said job.

Now he should be able to come up with something better than "horrible."  If I was his english teacher I’d make him write 100 more interesting words for horrible.  Lame.





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December 6, 2010

Maaaan…I think it’s just ****ing awesome when folks post songs they like. Cause I know the songs I like..are like a thousand times better. I don’t wear pants with elastic waistbands, does that afford me the luxury to call you horrible?

December 8, 2010

not only did you do the possible kid a favor you very generously contributed to the much overlooked matter of population control. if all females thought like you there would likely be more money for making your education cheaper rather than those saggy titted moms scraping out an existence on welfare (not to say yours would have sagged). my condolences and I hope the procedure went smoothly