An entry that got autosaved that I thought I lost.

Today was like a friend who tried to make me laugh all day and succeeded at every turn.  Thanks, today.

Actually, maybe it was just that i went to bed hallucinating with a fever and the shakes last night.  This might just be the after-effect of whatever the hell that was.  But whatever it was I liked it.

I woke up to my phone ringing.  It was a really bitchy lady from the post office telling me I had to come back because one of the packages I sent out on Friday wasn’t going to be shipped.  Why not?  The girl didn’t charge me for it.  I went to the post office Friday on my lunch break.  I had to wait 10 minutes because no one was at the desk and no one was answering the bell.  Finally the girl came, didn’t appologize, helped the person behind me first because it was a shorter order, and then preceded to majorly fail life.  I practically begged her for a packing slip for a parcel to Mexico and she wouldnt give me one, so god knows thats going to come back in the mail or just get straight up stolen.   Then she handed me the wrong slip for my package to my army penpal.  I filled it out anyways and just kept saying "this is wrong".  Then she didn’t charge me for it for some reason.  I assume she thought it was free because it is around Christmas season, but actually it ISN’T because I send mail to the British Army not the Canadian army….and I did point this out.  BARGGGGH.  So that means she didn’t mail it out Friday, or this morning. 

Anyways, this bitch at the post office is telling me its my fault and I give up knowing Im just oging to go down with my receipt and say I paid $18 why isn’t there any postage on this parcel?" because fuck the post office they’re always buggering up my mail.  Id have better luck fingerpainting fake stamps with my eyes closed and putting them on my letters than I do with the ladies of the post office near my house.  I had one once who didn’t know there were international stamps *SIGH*.  Im getting sidetracked by my rage.  I got in the shower and heard my phone riing mid shampoo.  It was a much nicer person from the post office and what a surprise she wasn’t afraid to give her name because she was actually going to make up for Miss Teen Post Fuck Up.  She assured me she was sending the package and I wouldn’t have to come in.  Yeah.  Thanks. Sorry i tried to be one of the few people that use your shitty service still.  My bad.  But it just made me laugh because obviously bitchy lady told nice lady how annoyed I was that Id have to come in and nice lady had to tell bitchy lady she was not only a bitch but also wrong.

Then i went to work.  The schyzophrenic old man who harasses me was back….I felt a little relieved since this means he isn’t dead.  He’s about as fucking annoying as humanly possible (and Im not being a dick, we have a few schyzophrenic people and hes the only one I dislike) but Im glad hes not dead.  Anyways my coworker Carol had to help this crazy girl get a card.  I may have told you about the loopy lady who pretty well fucked up the first burlesque I was ever in.  She squeaked in under the very shabby internet video audition.  She was so off her nut she stole the organizer’s cell and later met her in a bar and said "I guess you want your phone back".  Anyways she was trying to give Carol a 17 digit phone number while the schyzophrenic man was yelling at Carol and I just hid because he hates me (he thinks I have the devil in me, Im a Palestinian, and some days Im a nazi…..but those are better than the days Im a rich whore) and if she recognized me god knows what she would say.  So I hid and giggled and tried to get the manager to go help poor Carol. 

When crazy lady went to check out I got to help her.  She told me she’d been in Quebec for 3 years (umm no you spent the last 3 years making a reputation for yourself in the region as a total nut), oh god what else did she say… I don’t remember.  She’s a character.  When she left she yelled to the general library populace that she was driving to the movie set if anyone wanted to go (she was actually going to visit her daughter in low income housing by bus).  The people behind her (and I quote) asked me "what did shaggedy Anne just say?".  That from the lady who hasn’t worn pants ever.  Just the same red pj bottoms as she pushes her baby around.  *shudder*

Pants:  YAY!  I sound like a total cunt, I know.  I’m sure people go home and make fun of shit I do.  But pants aren’t more expensive than pj bottoms.  You can get pants at thrift stores for noooooooothing.  Fucking steal them if you have to.  Society isn’t doing well when people give up on even wearing pants.  And frankly if I can’t laugh at how my library is full of poor, neglected, unloved, crazy people I will cry about it, and thats worse.  If you’re having negative thoughts and feelings about me relentlessly making fun of my ragged pack of regular library users than think of this:  did you choose a career that’s homeless-dude-friendly?  If there was a mentally disturbed man at your work who called all the employees Nazis and rich whores would he be allowed to stay if he could be quiet?  I laugh at these guys and shake my head and shit but I’d also defend their right to be in my library and I find it disgusting that there isn’t a better place for them to be.  None of them want to be there, but its still too cold to go outside and most of them live in shelters that close during the day.

And the rest of the day was just generally full of giggling at those events.  Probably not funny to anyone but me. 


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May 26, 2010

wow it sounds like quite a library. i guess work is usuallly interesting? you have a penpal in the army?