Ninnoc’s back! Im taking ehr survey to prove it!


If you were an outsider coming into your room for the first time, what would you assume about you?
"This must be a closet for a whole bunch of ladies"

2. Did you tailor your myspace to fit you or to prove a point to people visiting your page?
yes it fits me.  No I don’t use it anymore

3. Are you Irish in any way?
I am 1/8 Irish

4. What colour are your socks?
green…holy shit they match!

5. What’s your desktop right now?
a red panda chilling on a branch

6. Last magazine you read?The New Internationalist’s population crisis special

7. Most recent artist you’ve discovered?
Hellsongs from Sweden.  Saw them friday nite at the FP

8. Last concert you went to?
see above.

9. Do you want to change the world?
Is it going to be hard and cut into my sleeping time?

10. When you walk into the room, do people notice you?
Yeah.  But maybe I just hang out with people with great situational awareness

11. Do you have political views?
Yes.  But they are mostly based on idealism, athiesm and hallucinigens.

12. Do you write poetry?

13. What’s your favorite lyric at the moment?

14. Your view on anorexia?
Its really weird that only people who live in countries with excessive ammounts of food get anorexia.  You’d think if its naturally occuring it would happen everywhere.  If it isn’t naturally occuring it must be man-made.  Maybe we should stop fucking eachother up so bad.

15. Something you would like to win an award for

16. Posters on your wall:
donkey sanctuary, some weird vampire guy who made like 1 album in the 70s, murdered city fest, a map of andorra, and one from an exhibit that was at the gallery inside my library.

17. Something really spontaneous you’ve done that you’ll never forget?

I spontaneously slept with an Irish teenager in the back of my car. 

18. Do you keep a diary?
doesn’t this count?

19. Name a great memory of the summer (any summer)?
The summer me and a bunch of friends went to the forrest andtook mushrooms.  It was great because I needed a beautiful time and it was.  Before that I had felt so ragged.  I got so high I forgot to be afraid of water and went swimming.  I got so high I forgot that the other girl that was with us was perfect and I enjoyed myself without thinking of it.

20. Do you consider yourself a daredevil?
not as much as I’d like to be.  My dare devilness is declining and my mom’s is on the rise.  I need to do something drastic before she surpasses me.

21. Want any tattoos?
I would like to get my fourth but I havent settled on it yet.

22. Something you’re terrified of?

23. Last time you laughed till you cried?
Not sure.  Can’t even name 1 instance.  I know it has happend though.

24. Last time you played ‘knock & run’?

I was probably 15

25. Last time you ate pizza and what was on it?
Like last week.  It was a Canadian (bacon, peperoni, mushrooms)

26. Last time you hid behind a door to jump out on someone?
Christ.  A long time ago.  My cat does this.  Im not on his level I guess.

Do you find it amusing when people draw attention to themselves because it’s their birthday?
Au contraire.  When people hide their birthday I want to pinch them hard on the arm flab.  Drawing attention to your birthday is mandatory.

What is the perfect male/female body for you?
*looks at ast and laughs*

Naked and warm apparently.

How did you react when you first found out that the water we drink used to be toilet water?
I was more interested in what types on dinosaurs had swam in the water I drank.

How far are you prepared to go?
Far enough that i’ll have to write an "im sorry.  Thanks for being so cool about that…please don’t tell anyone" email in the morning

Do you chew your toenail clippings?
fuck!  What?  NO!

Have you ever asked yourself "Am I a bad person?"
yes.  But mostly just because someone else is acting so strange I start to question myself.  I have a couple of friends who are so good at justifying their own off kilter behaviour that they can actually convince you their normal.

When was the last time you went clothes shopping?
less than 2 weeks ago. 

Are you a brave person?
in some areas.  But mostly Im a bunny rabbit

How do you get rid of the hiccups?
eat sugar.

What is a good thing to wear to the beach?
sunscreen spf 45 bitches cuz we’re going to be here all week!

Would you rather be a cowboy(girl) or a pirate?
Pirate.  I don’t enjoy riding things that hurt my crotch area.

Do you believe in stereotypes?

what does that mean?  I need you to be more specific or I feel like I’m being entrapped.

Are you in love?

Can a girl get pregnant from having phone sex?
No but the phone might 🙂

Have you ever ridden on a camel?
yes.  Ive ridden a camel while wearing pixie wings to be precise.

Are/were you closer to your mother or father?
mother.  But I’d pretty much have to be wouldn’t I?

Did you ever burst into tears in public?
Ummm yes.  Plenty.

What is something you are quite skilled at?
I write a mean burlesque act.

What is your favorite thing to do when you’re alone?
there are exactly 3 things I like to do when I’m alone: write, dance, and jerk off.

What’s your favorite key on the keyboard?

What is your motto in life?
you could die tomorrow.  (I tend to throw that down whenever one of the wishy washy people in my family is trying to not do something fun)

How many languages can you speak?

Are you scared of spiders?
only white ones and hairy ones

What causes your goosebumps?
cold.  Obviously.

Did you find any love this summer?

I already had it.

What was the last town or city you got lost in?
I was so hungry the other day I got lost in my own neighbourhood (pat on back to me)

Do you like or dislike children?

If you could give 3 things to someone, what would you give?
a kitten, a kiss, and a fully loaded IPOD

What’s your favorite part of the Olympics?
when the canadian hockey teams get gold.  I think we can safely say thats a part of theolympics.

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March 16, 2010

“9. Do you want to change the world? Is it going to be hard and cut into my sleeping time?” lol : D yay for you being back !!