Its 5

I am horrible at writing consistently.  Plenty of things are happening.  I’ll list top 5 biggies on the go in no particular order:

1)Hopefully we are moving this summer:

today Thai and I went to see an apartment.  We want to move somewhere where the windows and shower work.  We have big crazy dreams like that.  The apartment we looked at tonight was 1 house down from where we already live.  We arent applying for it though because theres all this crazy stuff about pets in the lease and we’re concerned someone would complain and we could get evicted or have to give up our dog, which is like our child so that would not happen.  Where we are now may suck in many respects but there is not a word about pets in the lease and no one ever complains about her barking at random teenagers passing by.  *SIGH*

2)Burlesque news:

I have two shows with two different troupes coming up this summer.  One to raise moeny to send care packages to the army again and the other to raise money for our troupe to go to The Montreal Burlesque Festival in September.  Im going to do a Hula Dance and Thai is going to play the ukulele and sing.  We havent picked a song yet.  I want him to cover and old smutty ska song or maybe a 1920s hit (swimmin with the wimmin is pretty great).  We shall see.  Im also thinking of doing a great strip tease in which I lipsink and boogie around the stage like im in my room alone.  Ill probably use Cry To Me by Solomon Burke and wear some kick ass vintage PJs….and then PASTIES!  We get to use pasties in our summer show.  In other news I am the idea girl for our burlesque.  Im officially on the exec board.  And also we are now getting paid to perform in the arts festival after party this fall.  Previously it was going to be a freebie.  Somewhere along the way we got some street cred I guess.

3)Lucy and Linus:

I emailed Lucy and told her all the things that have been worrying me about her relationship with Linus and her life in general.  I outlined all of these things a few entires ago.  She took ages to get back to me.  I saw her in a bar by some weird coincidence since I never go to that bar and she doesnt live in this town.  She probably thought I was ignoring her but I hadnt noticed her, in truth.  A few days later she wrote a response to my email  It didnt make a lot of sense but I will cut her some slack because a)she is always high and drunk and b)I dont really care what she does right now.  I was pretty damn sure she wouldnt leave Linus, the email was more of a seed planted so that in a year or forty when she leaves him, and it will assuredly happen that they will break up, she knows someone gives a damn about her.  After all, how distressed was I when I finally left Rummy because of his alcoholism that nobody had tried to talk some fucking sense into me.  It would have don me a great deal of good to have known someone cared enough for me to grab their balls and tell me I was with a fucknut.  If its a scientific fact its a good idea to tell the girl (or boy).  And dating someone who cheats on you and might give you an STD one day is scientifically a shitty decision.  Basically her response was confusing because it seemed to say how much she misses me and how angry she is that I "shit on everything".  I replied back and to sum up that reply:  I told her telling the truth about something isnt shitting on it, its telling the truth.  Oh and I may also have pointed out that someone who is drunk and high every day can infact not take care of themselves, as she asserts she can.  They need professional help and loving care because they have already shown they dont know whats good for them.

4)My home town

basically its going to hell in a well designed renovated basket.  A few years ago we were voted the prettiest little town in the country.  This went to everyones head, obviously and developers started in like a flesh eating virus.  Theyre moving the arena to the middle of a farmers field and trying to rebuild the downtown core to some Disney-looking motherfuck.  And thats not me being a jackass, the designer actually wants to give it a Disney land quality and dropped the D word in his plans.  I am in the process of tracking down the illusive middle aged hippie that always stands for truth, justice, and leaving things the hell alone in our town.  Im going to join him.  If they fuck  up my city I’m moving.  Hopefully to Scotland but more likely to another near by small town that will get City-AIDS in a few years.


5)the nurse thing

A few entries ago I told you about a nurse who gave me a shot against my will.  I have since bugged the hell out of several local lawyers and FINALLY got a referal to a place I can make a formal complaint angainst a nurse without any cost to myself.  Which is all I want.  Plans to kick some ass and take some names on the tubal ligation front have taken a back seat to everything else in my life.  I have however stopped taking the pill, and so far so good.  Though today our little "pull out method" got right in my goddamn eye.  To which we had a good laugh over the potential of conceiving an "eye baby".



In other news Em comes home tomorrow, the donkey sanctuary of Canada is having their big fundraiser this weekend, next weekend I go to the zoo, Thai’s birthday present is bought and hidden (new record player.  Total music-boner), a new craft show is in the plans, and the guys album is FINALLY mastered.

and now that my hair is dry Im going to go pounce on my man.


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June 11, 2009

did I say zoo….I meant circus. Wishful thinking. The circus is the zoo on crack-but like crack to cocaine the circus is so much cheaper than the zoo.

June 11, 2009

I miss Canada sometimes..haha.. Shot to the eye…Ouch…