Valentine Discovers money in her ovaries…etc.

I told you I’d be overwhelmed with busy-ness.  Apparently I either have to take nothing on and be bored I I have to take everything on and be mental-busy. 

I had planned to use my next 48 hours sewing a costume and perfecting a burlesque act because I was going to an audition on Thursday.  It just got cancelled so Im using my extra time to write, even though there is actually no extra time in my life, this is just an illusion of extra time since the audition will be next week now.

I’m contemplating donating eggs.  But I’m only going to offer them to Americans because in Canada you have to do it for free.  WHAT?  I’ve been reading up on it and things can go wrong and you can have medical problems, also they dont really know how risky it is for someone to do it in the long run.  Though they suspect that your fertility is front line for being the thing that gets sacrificed.  Free infertility?  That will save me $50 a month.  THANKS MEDICAL NIGHTMARE!  In the US you can have a fee.  Its still not considered selling an egg, but it falls under a great big $6000-10000 loop hole that realizes someone’s time and possible health might actually be worth compensation.  No shit.  So anyways I signed up, but my profile wont be active until I send in my consent form.  The organization Im signed with takes 5% but they fascilitate the transaction so you dont get screwed by the people getting your eggs, they take care of getting you medical insurance for the procedure-which was my big concern because I dont think my $18 travel insurance covers procedures I know damn well Im having, and they actively try and match you with people.  Also I figure they probably try and get you a decent fee since they get a cut of it.  So even though 5% is a lot when you’re dealling in thousands of dollars, its a small price to pay if they take care of that shit which confuses me most.  Before I go gung-ho on it I have to make sure that Canadian law doesnt see me as border hoping to deposit eggs into a California Lesbian’s womb a crime.  Hmmm……..California Lesbian, thats probably a porno series, eh?  For my profile I had to fill out all this shit about why I want to do it.  It was bullshit because WHY I want to do it is because I have giant student loans.  Really I dont think anyone should breed.  I have very little attachment to my own genetic material though.  But would I do it for free if it was as easy as donating sperm?  NO.  Im motiated by my amazing debt.

The craft show Im organizing is go.  We have the venue and the date so now I am making a shit load of things to sell since the Christmas season obliterated my stock.  My focus is panties, grocery bags, and hair accessories.   Its paramount that I sew rather than knit this time.  I just dont have the time I need to knit everything.  I am doing some nice hand embroidery though.  So Im not totally selling my soul for speed.

I’ve been working a lot lately, and also Ive been enjoying myself too much.  I went out on Friday night and got loaded at Thais show.  A few people stole from the venue (which is owned by a friend of mine) and also from Thai’s drummer.  As a result I will be manning the door from now on.  Because Im responisble.  Because I take things seriously.  And because I really dont have many people to talk to when I go there anyways because the clique of ruling class hens there for some reason shun me.  They pretend not to every now and then and Ive even told them this sickens me.  Because I live with my balls out.  As usual when I tell people something honestly instead of hiding behind a smoke screen of social niceties, I dont think they knew what the fuck to make of it.  And frankly I dont care.  If they did like me Id probably just get drunk and try to make out with one of them.  These are the straightest women I have met in my life.  Oh let me rephrase, these are the only straight women I have met in my life.  Every other girl I know is at least willing to go the distance after a bottle of Wild Vines.   As god intended.

Im such a pervert.  Good thing Im adorable.  No one ever thinks cute girls are total predators.  But look at me and Thai, in the beginning it was like a twitchy nose bunny being stalked by a snow leopard…do snow leopards fuck bunnies?

In actuality Ive lost my planner and until my new planner begins on March 1st, Im not going to know where Im supposed to be anyways.  So I think Ill go have a tea and pretend I know Im supposed to be here.  I have a lot more on the go to talk about but I can feel my blood pressure rising as I list to you how fucking busy I am right now.  Goddammit.


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February 18, 2009

I am in an open relationship. Currently, I am dating my fiance, and am emotionally involved with the woman I mentioned earlier, Nessa, as is my fiance. My fiance is also dating a new girl. I’m not MAD about the new girl, I’m just trying to deal with the small jealousies and insecurities that come with him starting a new, poly relationship. It’s not bad, just new.