sex and silence

I am a horrible person to myself.  I don’t make any time for my own writing anymore.  Not my diary or my correspondance or my writing-writing.  So I’ve decided that I need to schedule time like its my job, because obviously if I ever actually finish and sell a peice of writing it will be like a job.  And so Ive SHARPIED 4 hour blocks of time in to my schedule and there will be no excuses.  Im only using this for my diary and writing the story Im working on.  These things help me write.  My correspondance doesn’t really do anything to improve my writing abilities because I’m usually writing to someone who has english as a second language and therefore I have to write simply, clearly, and plainly.  Often I end up coming across like I don’t speak english either.  It is a strange phenomenon. 

So I know I’ve said this before but expect to hear from me again regularly. 

This weekend was a frazzle.  I forgot my friend from college, The Happy Hungarian was coming down to visit for 2 days.  He lives way up yonder where the people don’t shine.  He arrived as I was pulling in from work and I rolled down my window to tell the Unidentified Fucking Owner of the pick up truck in my spot to haul ass when I realized it was my happy hungarian.  And Im an idiot.  I also realized that.  I had no groceries, no clean sheets, no drugs, no alcohol.  Yet I had to pass it off like I hadn’t forgotten he was visiting.  Then he told me his plans fell through for Sunday and Monday and he needed a place to stay.  I love being a hostess so it all worked out, I just wish I was prepared.

It was Robbie Burns day on Sunday so we spent Saturday tracking down a butcher shop with ceremonial Haggis because the three of us (H.H., Thai, and I) all have spent some time in Scotland.  We found it at a butcher shop 40 minutes away, which turned into 1 hour and 40 minutes as a severe traffic jam was in effect.  But it was worth it.  We stocked up on Scottishy things (Haggis and Steak pie, penguins chocolate, iron bru, tizer, black pudding, tablet, sherbert fountains, and of course a ceremonial haggis).  We purchased the last haggis in the store.

My main concern was addressing the Haggis.  But thanks to Youtube we had our meal graced by a tiny little Scottish man in full regalia.  Technology saved us frm butchering an amazing poem.  Thanks Technology.

The next day I was still frazzled from having a house guest descend upon me.  I locked Thai’s keys in the car while it was running because I had gone down to warm up the car so we could go have a hangover lunchfast at a local diner.  Then while he was at his parents’ failling to get his spare key I locked us out of the apartment.  Bravo.  In the end his mother had to drive to the next town where Thai’s dad worked to get the spare key.  Lunchfast has never been so thouroughly earned.

Did I mention having a house guest can improve one’s sex life?  No I didn’t.  Well it can.  You see kittens, living with someone means you can have crazy-loud, ruckus, rowdy sex any time you want.  Which automatically means that you don’t really do it that often.  But when someone is at your house, say someone you arent really that comfortable hearing you fuck (because lets face it when its a close friend, are they really your friend if they dont high five you after hearing you have sex???) well in trhis case you try and be quiet as possiblee, and you try to have the craziest possible sex while still being quiet.  How many times can a person get off without making any noise?

Mathematically speaking: 4.  But it takes a long time because its very difficult to do that quietly.

So that was incredibly hot and as a result, now that our guest has moved on, its hot to have loud sex again because we just went an agonizing 4 days without making any noise.  We went from like 3 or 4 days a week to 2 or 3 times a day.  Some guests bring wine or fancy soap, other guests bring you something you cant buy except on a street corner downtown.  Thank you Happy Hungarian.


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