secret agent under covers

Worst girlfriend ever. 

Thai left his computer on so I could put his band’s new tracks on my Ipod when I woke up today.  I did that.  I also went into his email, read a bunch of shit from his ex (saw a photo of her on facebook and bitch is she is ugly).  They broke up two years ago but shes going on about her feelings for him and how she never wanted to dump him but she did it cuz other people told her she should.  And shes asking him what hes doing and if he has a girlfriend and he says NOTHING about me.  He didnt say no but he didnt say yes and shes hotter than you like he should have.

So then I noticed he has a livejournal….during my full raid on his computer.  So I went in, claimed he forgot his account and got his account name.  Because Im sneaky and lack morals.  I went home to read it from my comp and he hasn’t written in it since 2005 when he was with this heinous bitch.  So why is it appearing in his history on his new comp?  Heres why.  One of her emails said about how she was reading  all his old emails and it was making her cry because she misses him.  So I guess thats what hes doing too.

But shes hideous.  Seriously.  Ditch pig nasty.  A thousand gay men couldnt make this girl over.

So if and when I see her you can bet Im going to be a fucking Georgia Peach about it.

Theyre planning to go for coffee.  Lets watch and see if he tells me about it.  I cant hold anything against him because I was definetly searching without a warrant and there is no PATRIOT act to relationships. 

Revenge I have recently taken on my own exes:

Just little things.  Im painting over the painting Rhea painted for me.  Its crap.  just a watercolour study done on a canvas that was totally inappropriate for her chosen medium.  So im painting over it.  Something not ugly would be an improvement.

And the library was discarding Stupid White Men by michael moore.  So I took it from the recycling.  I left it at Ricks and he hates my crazy leftist shenanigans so i dont know why I cant have it back.  But I dont need it cuz I have another copy now.  Suck my extremist, exagerrated, leftist propaganda Rick.  Oh wait you thought oral sex was perverse.  God.  Damn why did I date that guy?  If I had to save the concept of oral sex or a human from a burning building…Id expect the human to understand their sacrifice.

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February 5, 2008

Why is there always a swamp donkey skank of an ex runnin around somewhere, holdin on like to the past like her std’s. nobody ever just moves on anymore. It’s sad.

February 5, 2008

If you are so certain about her being bitch ugly then really.. What are you worrying about? And learn to trust your man.. Instead of going through all this stuff, because if he finds out. Do you really want to find out what will happen? Just because you were interested in his ex .. of 2 years ago, that is ugly. Just ask.

February 6, 2008

You’re hilarious 🙂 And there may not be a PATRIOT act… but as bush will tell you, all’s fair in love and war

February 8, 2008

he thought oral sex was perverse? OH MY GOD why DID you date this guy??

February 18, 2008

i do the same thing whenever i’m near my boy’s computer. i have terrible trust issues. and guys go for ugly girls sometimes.