i used to do this survey and I stopped…somewhere

3201. What do you think of Jane Fonda? I only think of her as the girl on that really famous poster.  I guess I think of her as an Icon.


3202. Would it bother you if the government read your email? yes.  Because I do things they frown upon/some of it is smutty and people pay to read shit like that.



3203. Have you ever joined an online personals site? no.  I already have enough psychotic men in my life.


3204. What do you crave? SUSHI, Waldo, women, Spenny’s voice….yeah sure just his voice whatever. 



3205. On a scale of 1-10 how tough are you? 8.2






3206. What would make a cool coffee table book? pictures of people making fish faces.



3207. What’s the most interesting conversation piece in your home? an 8 foot tall mermaid with fishbowls for tits.



3208. If you could make any announcement over the mall loud speaker, what would you say? id take 3 grams of mushrooms and say whatever came to mind.




3209. Does anyone you know deserve more respect from you? prolly thai.




3210. Would you rather spend the rest of your life caring about everything or caring about nothing? eep either way Id probably die from it.



















3211. If you rearrange the letters in "Santa" what other words can you make? SATAN HAHAHAHA thanks I knew that already.






3212. Can you feel your life ending one minute at a time? only on certain types of drugs.



3213. Is there anything you don’t want to talk about? no.






3214. Who would you stop the world and melt with? HAHAHA cute.  Waldo.



3215. Is there anyone you wish you had never known? my father.




3216. Do you prefer to drive or be driven? be driven








3217. What do you think of the game The Sims? ive never played








3218. Is there a difference between being over-weight and being over-fat? yeah.  It sounds like being overweight can be minor and being over fat is like extremely overweight.




3219. What do you think of Rush Limbaugh? hes an ass munch.  And not in the fun way either.





3220. Mary Poppins sings a song that goes, "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag." What is "tuppance"? its money.  That song makes me sad.




3221. Why is Jesus Christ always pictured as a white man when he came from the middle east? Because the people who commissioned those paintings were crackers 😛



3222. Which is worse, getting sand in your underwear or getting sand in your mouth?  UNDERWEAR




3223. If you could choose Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, who would you pick? uhhhh Id go with Sarah Silverman.




3224. What does R.S.V.P. stand for? resonde vous si vous plait.  I think thats how you spell it or something.



3225. What do you think of the quote, "You laugh because I’m different. I laugh because you are all the same"? I hate stupid quotes like that.  Even when theyre true theyre stupid.






3226. Tell it to the world! Read my lips: Theres something to be said about selective breeding.









3227. Do you buy books and then never read them? no



3228. What does OPP stand for? no idea.  Something Ontario Police Patrol.



3229. If you had to be a character on the show Married with Children, which character would you be? I think I might already be Peggy.




3230. What movie that you haven’t watched since you were a child, would you really like to see again? Auntie Mame.




3231. Do you belong to a gym? no.  I belong to satan 😛



3232. Have you ever been to court? only to visit on a feild trip.




3233. What do your pajamas look like? a lot like im naked.



3234. What is your favorite fabric? DOTTED SWISS.  Im actually wearing it right now.  Its a sheer fabric with a finish of little fuzzy bumps on it.  No one makes it anymore because its tacky as sin.  But I have a hard on for it.



3235. Can you think of any palindromes (words that spell the same thing when read backwards and forwards)? Lots of them yes.  kayak, level, mom, dad, wow.  Ok not lots.






3236. Do you have any gray hair? no.  But during the height of the waldo/zippy problem Val Nice Rack found one white hair on my head and yanked the fucker out.  Stress.



3237. What do all the people named Jennifer that you know have in common? this is an amazing question.  Theres Jen from pin ups, jen the bitch thats dating rick’s bass player, and jen big bro’s exgirlfriend.  Hmmmmmmmmmmm Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well.  Theyre brunettes.



3238. Would you ever join a country club? no




3239. What is the best Atari game you can remember? ASTEROIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDS



3230. Did you do any dancing today? nope.  Its early yet.








3231. Use five words to describe your family. close, friendly, related, social drinkers.


3232. Do you prefer red or white wine? white.  Red tastes better but gives me a headache.




3233. Would you eat Spaghetti with waffles to keep from offending the person who offered it to you? are they TOUCHING?



3234. Would you rather live in an attic or a basement? att

ic.  Ive done basements.  Im through with them.



3235. Can you understand sign language? bits and bites of it.



3236. Do you wear ridiculous hats? I do.  I miht be the queen of ridiculous hats.


3237. Who is your favorite Lord of the Rings character and why? The entes.  because trees should talk and carry people.  its the only way trees could be cooler than they already are.


3238. Name 2 things you have never done in public: showered, swallowed fire.




3239. If you had to choose of the things you just named, which one would you do in public? Shower.











3240. What books have you read more than once? Lullaby by Chuck Palinhiuk, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, Animal Farm by Orson Wells.





3241. The person who goes to ____ is not the same person who comes back. Fill in the blank with anything you think fits. War, college, or one of my parties.






3242. Are you on any medication? BIRTH CONTROL (and arent you kind of glad for it?)



3243. Does any part of your own body disgust you? yes.  But I have amazing legs and a great ass so Im ok with it.






3244. What movies are coming out next year that you are looking forward to? i dont think i am.  Oh i lied persopolis by Marjane Satrapi is becoming a film and I cannot WAIT!


3245. Do you give too much weight to the opinions of others? sometimes.  Sometimes not enough.




3246. What things made sense in childhood, but don’t make sense now? God.


3247. Use five words to describe your childhood. My childhood began the day I left home so I couldnt be molested anymore.  So theres been a lot of drinking, sex, and literature.  Ill let you know when Im through being a child.


3248. Have you ever risked your life for something? to see the selecter.  I was in long beach alone with $300 in my purse.  SPoooooky.




3249. Do you prefer to give a massage or be massaged? Be massaged.  But Ill give til it hurts if youre the right person.




3250. On a scale of 1-10 how tender are you?  hmmm Ill give me an 8.75

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