Thai one on

I’ve been hanging out witha  seperate crowd lately.  Don’t be too shocked.  Im still deeply entangled with Waldo and I still love my boys to death.  But lately whats been going on Fridays is this little indie club owned by a friend of mine.  Well hes my friend now.  Originally he was just a hipster asshole that was in a band with Thai.  Now we’re friends and hes mostly not a hipster asshole anymore.  But the two crowds rarely mix.  They could but my friends seem to be afraid that theyll lose their "im not hipster" cred if they spend too much time there.  HAHA so whatever.  And I guess theres some tension between the bands.  Its just funny because Scooter, Waldo and their band practice at the club midweek, they whine about not getting invited to the major festival the club holds.  But will they hang there?  Do they try and act friendly?  NO.  Here I am there token girl/groupie/mother/seamstress/lover and Im the one making good with the rival band…and you know falling in love every five seconds, and sleeping with someone that Im not falling in love with.  Oh calm down its Thai again.  Only this time I dont think Im going to get away with it. 

Factors of why I was going to not sleep with Thai:

-still in love with Waldo

-still fucking Waldo

-randomly got a crush on some other guy at the club which was sort of ruined when he not only looked like Waldo but turned out to be named Waldo ALSO

-then I fell madly for Thai’s roommate

-Thai crawling in to bed between Waldo and I that one night FOREVER ago in the summer (sorry thats bad form)

-Size does matter.  If you like the way the size 10 sweater fits you dont take home the size 2.  All Im saying.  SORRY.  It is ALSO how you use it, but if a girl meets a guy with a "size ten" who works it perfectly than theres not a fuck of a lot a "size two sweater" can do about it.

Reasons why I fucked Thai anyways

-I got drunk and

-Thais roommate turned out to have a girlfriend who I adore and who is long term enough to have knitted his parents MORE THAN ONE blanket.  (Is it wrong that my first thot was ok hes 20 and hes prolly been with her a couple years….it’s not going to go much longer now?)

-I was already drunk and stranded in Thai’s apartment when I found out about his roomie’s girlfriend. 

-Im weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak

-He may be a size 2 but he goes down.  How many times do I got to tell the guys.  GO DOWN.  Aint nothing going to matter if you go down and dont come up.  Fuck steal my credit card.  Support the right wing with it.  I dont care.  Go down.  Stay.  Good.

So yeah.  Thats fine and dandy except the aforementioned room mate came in the room slightly after a long marathon of sex (one would assume the room smelled like sex when he did) and drunkenly mounted our naked sleeping bodies and went "HOWD I GET HERE…..oooooh god.  You guys HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX." and i dont remember the whole conversation—-monologue.  But I do remember it was hilarious even though he likely saw my nakedity.  I believe "way to go Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai" echoed through the halls for awhile.  So its not a secret, and when I dont hold his hand at shows and when cute indie rockers come through and Im smuggling beer to them from my purse….wellllll.  Shit might hit the ceiling fan.  The broken down bachelor pad ceilling fan.  So maybe its good that my world has split to two.  Yep my love life is a siamese twin baby (babies?) and whent he one flatlines I can keep the other.  Morbid.  Sorry.  Youre not living it, you dont know.

If youre going to leave a note about me using self control, imagine being surrounded by gorgeous energetic musicians who offer them selves to you after 3 years with a decrepit alcoholic who made you feel as hideous as he was.

Sorry I got me some Musing to do.

Oh other problem I stayed and taught Thai to knit today.  Not a fuckbuddy thing to do I guess.  We were five minutes from being caught mating on the couch.  HAHAH  new house rule "call before you come home".


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December 1, 2007

Oh, it happens. i love your updates. I do. I hope your life is as awesome/hillarious/crazy/entertaining for you as it is for me to read. the drunk roommate is flipping great. more soon.