ends and beginnings

So I havent written in ages as I took a second job at Keley’s restaurant and worked every day of my life.  I quit Kelsey’s this week because they dont actually always pay you, it turns out.  And Im not hip to that jive.  I dont feel I should have to count my hours and worry about whether my shitty minimum wage slave labour job is paying me or not.  Also Rummy used it as a means to stalk me.  So good ridance to that.  When I called him on it he tried to tell me I was full of myself and that hes over me but come on, every shift he just happens to spend 2 or three hours there.  Not to mention some days I worked lunch and dinner.  Sure ok.

As for beginnings, I went to a psychic last night to fully grasp the art of cold reading AKA bullshit.  And I do mean this in a respectful way to some psychics.  For instance the woman I went to was sweet and fun and she used the time to despense general good life advice.  Without joking she told me to Drink more water, never start smoking, watch my drink at bars, not obsess over weight, not worry if I miss carried  a baby, and learn to let go of loves that arent working out.  HAHAHAHA  thanks mom.  And she also claims to be for entertainment purposes only.  So fine.  It was that.  When she told me to fuck my friend Jackson, one of the few friends I have who Ive never slept with, I laughed so loud Keesey heard me on the other side of the auditorium.  It was being taped too so I had to sort of be gentle when I explained why I would never do that.  But why is this a beginning?  Because Keesey is going to introduce me to people as a psychic and Im going to practice object reading and psychometry and read up and practice dream interpretations, Lucy is going to fine tune her tarot reading.  And we are going to start a psychic bachelorette party service with an Xrated option for people who are….wild like us.  Id really like to get into tea leaves.  Reading tea leaves astounds me.  That would be fun.

So thats our scheme.  Once I move into my own place I might even do a few appointments there.  It takes no investment to get started and its gotta be better than stripping.  Which I havent done but Ive considered because I AM POOR!

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