My first entry

oh this is easly one of the saddest days of my year when i remember DECEMBER 6 – 1989 and what was taken from us. my heart breaks and breaks. i didnt know them but i knew so many like them today. brave young women who will n’ver be forgotten.

a poem for all of them and all of you. god bless.



it was the day i n’ver thuoght i’d see

the day you were tak’n from me

and them, and us,

from all the mothers and fathers

brothers and daughters we


for you, we cry

for you

we pray and hold each other so close

we light candles

to remember

but also in defiance of those who

would harm us

you will be ok up there.

i thought i knew you

could have sworn

i knew you

and maybe thats b’cause

in beautiful magical ways

i always have.


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December 6, 2012

RYN: No one seems to care about the four men who were shot and injured that day. Let’s only call for violence against women to stop. Shoot men but not women… right? I am disgusted by how a shooting of men and women was hijacked by feminists and exploited for political gain. It’s why this day and how people use it sickens me. People should be against all violence, not just the violence that futhers their political agenda.

December 6, 2012

RYN: Lépine was a “lone gunman” who does not represent men, and that violence against women is neither condoned nor encouraged officially or unofficially in western culture. In this perspective, memorializing the shooting is irressponsible and socially divisive on the basis of gender and therefore harmful by bestowing guilt on all men, irrespective of individual propensity to violence against women. We should be against all shootings and acts of violence… not just those against one gender.

December 6, 2012

RYN: It was an isolated incident by a lone, crazed gun-man and he was made the poster boy for ALL violence against women, which was political exploitation since this is the ONLY time in history it has ever happened. If men had used an incident where one woman shot a dozen men to promote stopping violence against men, feminists around the world would not hesitate to label the memorializing of that shooting as ‘gender discrimination’ for not including violence towards women in it. How this shooting was handled created social division among many people by means of gender discrimination. The best way to unite people to rally against violence is to protest all violence, not a single example of it. The same goes for all shootings: they should be protested together, not singled out.

December 6, 2012

RYN: “So then i guess you’d join “the feminists” in de-crying it if men used such a situaton to promote awareness for violence against men?” Yes, I most certainly would. Like I said in the entry, I’m against all violence… and that includes violence against women. I’m looking at the big picture here, which is zero tolerance for all violence against people of all race, creeds or genders. I’m glad you enjoyed reading the entries, and your comments (regardless if they agree with mine or not) are always welcome. Later,