Driving into hell

As I sit here at my parents house, working away since 6am (when my mother came out to the family room, where I was sleeping, arguing with my dad about where she wanted to sit, walker and all) I have a little bit of distance from what happened on Saturday and I am hoping to type out some perspective on my current situation

I got my oil changed and transmission fluid changed at Jiffy Lube (never…ever…EVER go there) on Thursday in preparation for driving the 170 odd miles to my parents house in Paso Robles. I didn’t drive my car too much between then and Saturday and I got all packed up, threw Sugar in the car seat and away we go.  As we get closer to Paso, the temperature continues to rise, closer to the triple digits

As I get out of a construction zone, I noticed that I couldn’t accelerate my car, and suddenly, my engine just stopped, all the lights on the dash flashed on and I was coasting at 75 mph on a major interstate. Put my hazards on, trying not to panic, as I slowly made it to this random exit in San Ardo, essentially the middle of nowhere with an old truck stop type thing.  Got out of the way of the exit and put the car into park and waited a beat or two until my heart stopped racing.  Sugar was of course freaking out and I had to calm her down at the same time as myself

I immediately called Kia roadside assistance, and was told that it might take longer for a tow because I had a dog. Mind you Sugar is 15lbs, not a pit bull or irish wolfhound. She fits in my lap FFS.  This was at 11am, current temperature, 90 degrees, no trees, no shade, just oil rigs and desert.  I also called Jiffy Lube and they said they would check into what might be causing the problem.

I popped the hood, smoke came out (I later learned it was from the oil spraying the engine) and I got back into the car.  An hour goes by, temperature just teetering on 100.  I got out of the car and walked around it.  It was then I saw oil splattered out the back exhaust, it was all over the engine in little splatters, there was now a puddle of it under the car.

Sugar and I eventually went and hung out in the back with the hatch up, I love my Sportage, it’s not super huge but it’s perfect for us, and we were able to catch the breeze and relax while waiting for the tow. Sugar repeatedly got up the lick away my tears because I alternated worried about getting to the hospital in time to get my mother, to worrying about what I was going to do without a car, AND the fact that I was 170 or so miles from home.  A lot to unpack for sure

2pm rolled around, and the extremely wonderful tow driver showed up.  He had called me several times, felt really bad about having me out in the heat for so long, and we discussed what we were going to do. He checked the oil dipstick and saw that there was enough oil for 2 cars in the engine.  He said that it could be anything from a blown seal to a whole new engine from overflowing oil.

He was so cheesed by what Jiffy Lube had said and done, that he said we’re going there to show them what they did, and THEN go drop off the car at Kia.  The manager at Jiffy Lube said it was ‘impossible it was overfilled’, and the tow driver went OFF on him on the phone (my hero).  We got to the local Jiffy and the manager there took a look and didn’t say either way, but we have pictures

So here I am, at Kia, and my dad rolled up without my mother, as they were late to get her discharged. I loaded up my stuff in the van and we then drove with Sugar in tow, and we went to get my mother discharged.  So I was relieved that I didn’t miss that, as that weighed heavy on my mind.

Jump to today, after trying very hard without much success to not worry about the car, I talked with both Kia and Geico. I can’t really do anything until Kia gives the car a once over, but if it’s Jiffy Lube’s fault, Geico said to file a claim and they will handle the rest.  Fingers crossed that it’s either under warranty (not JL’s fault, although that would be a stretch thanks to all the oil in the world in my car) or that Geico can cover the claim and I have to pay the deductible

Meanwhile, I am beside myself with worry about my mother, and my dad to some extent because it’s taking both of us to help my mother and she’s not able to move that great post-surgery, and in a lot of pain.  My dad isn’t as strong or as balanced as he once was, so I’m a wreck.

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August 5, 2019

It is possible to have too much oil because I did it once but fortunately for me nothing happened and it was the place I went to get an oil change and no it wasn’t Jiffy lube.  So Jiffy lube is full of shit and they did do it….I hope you get a new car out of the deal and make sure the whole world knows about their stupidity.

August 5, 2019

What a pain, sorry to hear that!

August 5, 2019

I am picky on who changes my oil… but everyone usually wants 75 to 120 to change it! it is crazy… imports and sport cars they jack up the price