Spooky Stories
One of the other members had an entry the other day that was asking what movies really flipped you out or scared you – and my immediate reaction was the original Night of the Living Dead, in black and white.
I am no horror movie fan by any stretch – but that movie was shown in my high school auditorium once, and a bunch of us went to see it together – I think it might be the only movie I ever closed my eyes in (which is saying a lot for somebody who was sixteen and with his friends!).
I’ve always liked ghost stories – when my boys were in Scouts, it used to be my job to tell the spooky stories around the campfire. I would usually make them up as I went, so that they could include the local setting (something scary happened at the lake down the road to a group of campers last year, and so on). It’s a lot easier to scare people with stories when they are kids in the dark in the woods 😅 !
I was thinking about those stories today, because I was reading a thread somewhere else about scary things that had happened to people when they were in the water – and it reminded me of one of my stories I told on a canoe trip, about spirits in the water that would knock on the bottom of canoes and then campers would disappear if they slept too close to the water.
It’s funny how people like to be scared (rollercoaster fans are a mystery to me) and will keep coming back for more – I’m sure there’s a name for that! I wonder what the science behind it is, what the release of adrenalin from being scared does that makes a person want to repeat the experience.
Something to read about later!
For those interested and who know Reddit – thread on scary things in the water:
Listening to: Spotify Favorites playlist, current song The Way You Look Tonight, Frank Sinatra.
I had never known (or I knew and forgot) that Sinatra was just covering this song, and it was first performed by Fred Astaire in the movie “Swing Time”.
I have never seen that! I bet I try to watch it now I love scary movies
@kaliko it almost seems quaint when you watch it now, but if you like zombie movies, it really was the one that started it all.
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When I was in high school, the popular rumor that was used to scared each other, was that this small town in the mountains nearby was a cult compound. People would tell stories about they parked their car and walked around and when they came back, their car was surrounded by lit candles. So that was the thing, daring each other to go there. It’s actually just a normal town.
I also live somewhat close to The Stanley Hotel, which was the inspiration for The Shining, so that’s another big thing among people around here.
When I was really little, my sisters told me that a frog had been killed when they poured the cement for our house and that there was a ghost frog haunting the house. It worked, but I was about 8 at the time.
@heffay out of all of those, I think the Ghost Frog is the scariest!
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I’m one of the roller coaster fans you talk about. Even more bizarre with me because I’m actually scared of heights
@williamthebloody I guess that just doubles the scariness! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good roller coaster once in awhile (a million years ago I rode the first inverted coaster ever – Corkscrew in Cedar Point) but I don’t understand the people who will do them twenty times in a day.
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Hahahaha ! Love that scene. I like Fred better than Frank anyway.
@startingover_1 Fred was better than Frank for watching, Frank better than Fred for listening – but that’s just my opinion 🙂
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I’m the opposite. I HATE being scared but growing up as I did, fear was constant and very real.
@snarkle very interesting article, thanks!
@thediarymaster you are very welcome!
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I saw the original “Night of the Living Dead”. Scared me to death! As did the original “The Omen” and “Poltergeist.” I don’t watch horror movies, and haven’t in years. I like to be able to sleep at night.
Love Fred!
@gypsywynd I don’t watch them much anymore, although I can still get sucked into a good zombie story. The original “Poltergeist” was a good one!
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I guess I was a very sheltered child because I never did or see anything that really scared me or had to close my eyes…But my favorite is the roller coaster….
@jaythesmartone I’m glad that you enjoy them!
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I love scary stuff, even though I get extremely bothered by it sometimes. When my husband and I were first married, he had to go out of town for a few days and brilliant me thought it would be a great idea to drink a whole pot of coffee and watch a marathon of The Walking Dead. I spent the night wide awake, feeling like my heart was about to explode, freaking out over every little noise. One of the worst nights ever. lol.
@queenofegypt ha I really loved The Walking Dead in the beginning and then I sort of lost interest a few seasons in, I keep thinking I should binge the rest of it.
@thediarymaster I last watched a few years ago; I was still on maternity leave with my son who is three now! I should probably finish it one of these days.
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