
omg where to start. its been so long i just have no idea. things are crazy…good bad and ugly.  i mean work is going well. i am off training and on the floor . its going well mostly. myles is doing well. testing his limits , being sweet. it looks like im going to miss halloween with him. sigh. going to get off break and try to do that here at work since they are doing something. i feel like such a slack parent. but the apartment is getting how i want it. school is going well. soon my semester will be over. ive  have been using the time at work to exercise and try to stay awake.  me and the bf have good days and bad days. and travis is back …sort of wanting to be in the picture. and i turned him down. which kind of feels nice. just because of our history. i feel for him as a friend and thats it. he is divoring a girl because she doesnt or cant have kids im not sure. the truth is that im the type of girl he wants, the relationship he wants but he will always want more. hes never happy …well maybe one day. though i do keep in mind what i was foretolled a long time ago. And truly some of it has come true.  i thought randy was it but i dont know. things are good and things are bad, i dont care for travis’s family. there drunks and will take advantage of you. randy’s family just dont like me lol. sad new. im not going to talk about that.

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December 1, 2012

one day it will all fit into place and you will be where you need to be and with whom is the best for you