pizza and asians

im waiting on the bf to come home . its so boring with out him. i message friends that live in far away states and im still bored. me and myles dance to guangang style but hes no fun. and has this horrible rash on his butt i cant seem to get to go away. sigh. it was nice to enjoy some mommy and son time. during the day is normal but afternoon is family time. we eat together.. play together then bath and maybe a movie or something then off to bed at 7. so im stuck waiting. we were going to have a steak dinner but i ordered pizza instead and then he calls. lol he is on his way home. sigh i cant wait to see him. and and side note i have yellow fever. not the disease but my taste in guys. its so odd. asian guys are either really hot or just not. they get me more moist then most guys do. i mean i was never one of those girls who thought almost every guy was super hot. most were average or do-able in my world lol. a penis is a penis aslong as its not all icky and diseased. then i date this half korean boy and its like a new world opened up and i see lots of hot asian guys. im never going to be that kind of girl who thinks every guy is hot but i do prefer the asians. funny. my best friend ..she loves black guys. its not my taste but whatever works for her. and i use to make so much fun of her … just to give her shit about it lol. funny things. well pizza is here.. and im gonna get some heehee. 

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September 14, 2012

this entry made me laugh.