Beautiful places…

If you read my last posts my life would seem like a total Cluster-@#$%^,   but actually its not…

its a little crazy right now,  but that would be the exception…(though to be honest the almost surreal amount of madness in my life right now is most delicious and exciting…one of my favorite quotes is from Sterling Moss (famous old-school English race car driver)  “To accomplish anything great you must be prepared to dabble on the very edge of disaster..”    I’m certain one of my kids is going to be the keeper of these days and transmit the necessary knowledge!

But because of the incredible heaviness of the past few weeks I thought I would just take some time to post some pictures of my travels.. in no particular order…Most of these are from solo travel because I like to travel and my wife is just kinda “meh” about it..and also because when you travel alone it forces you to pay attention to details..

As always your opinions and comments are coveted!

this was taken 15 minutes before I was being trauma evacuated with 3 ribs broken in 6 places and a potential ruptured spleen and broken back…I still love Aspen,..just not skiing on ice..

Angkor Wat at Sunrise at the main temple complex..


A rainy night at the tower..

My Alexander McQueen Samurai Scrimshaw heels,  which was almost two year hunt to acquire..

hmmmm…so yummy…they are almost the perfect shoe… to find the perfect foot to go in them!!!

my second favorite pair of shoes…Gucci..”savage zebra”  She  is wearing them…I didn’t even know I had this pic in all my files..hmmm

another trip to the altar…geez….

Dusk on the Komodo Kodo pilgrimage trail in Southern Japan..


many more to share but thats enough for tonight I’m tired and need to get some sleep for the gym tomorrow morning..









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May 15, 2019

I bet you didn’t know, but the word “yummy” is used as code for oral sex in child sex trafficking rings. I learned that watching a ring get busted. It bothers me when people use that word, especially to describe something that isn’t food. So I couldn’t help pointing that out. Otherwise, hope your life gets back to normal soon. Good luck at the gym.