
     running, running.
i am constantly running on a circular track.
as i run, i am carrying many things with me.
school, music, relationships… everything.
sometimes, i drop something while i’m running,
but i’ll tell myself that i’ll go back and get it later,
cause i have to continue running, running.
eventually the track brings me back to what i dropped,
but while i’m trying to pick it up, i’ll drop something else.
"oh, i’ll pick it up later," i’ll think, and i’ll keep going.
i’ll keep running, running.

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July 25, 2010

i think everyone feels like that sometimes. i know i do.

July 25, 2010

ryn//thank you very much. i feel like i drop my sanity every now and then on this track. i’m blessed it’s always there when i get back around to it.

RYN Lol why do people think watching sci-fi shows make you nerdy? It’s like saying that just because I prefer Picard over Kirk and I even know what that means makes me a… Okay. I’m a nerd. But that doesn’t make you one for liking X-Files. Or does it? Eh, I’m not really sure. Sorry I babbled.