Story Ideas

I don’t know what to call them yet, but I got a few ideas for movies or books while I was stoned…lol

The first idea that I won’t elaborate too much on is possibly a parody to the Amityville Horror movies. It’s set in an apartment building. Just an average apartment building. It pretty much makes everything that could happen in an apartment become horrific! I recently had a really bad fruit fly infestation. So the part in the movie where the priest gets attacked by house flies will be replaced with fruit flies. Like a situation that happened to me. I opened the microwave door and at least 5 fruit flies flew out at my face. There would of course be lots more in abundance for the sake of the film but that was freaky on it’s own!! I was also thinking that someone or a whole family within an apartment would have died and start to posses the living people within the building as well. Another thing that is really annoying in apartments is when someone is always banging above or beside you. I would have a scene where the banging is so consistent and so loud that it would cause someone to get major hearing loss. Someone would also not get notices and have building maintenance people enter their apartment without their consent, most likely one of the spirits taking over the maintenance person and then doing something creepy like killing the resident or something. I don’t know what else as of right now, I just want to get these ideas down so I don’t forget them. Another idea is someone hears scratching and meowing from a pet that’s in the walls but they don’t find it when they bash a hole in the wall. I would of course have to research the Amityville story so that it would be a parody, or it could just be it’s own thing.

The second idea I would definitely have to research more. It’s set in a psych hospital. I don’t know who the killer would be, I have to think about it more, but he/she would either be a psych patient him/herself, or a nurse or a doctor or someone working in the hospital, I don’t know which would be more appropriate. But the killer would be killing psych patients with different mental illnesses such as depression, manic depression, schizophrenia, pathological lying, bipolar, multiple personalities etc. etc. and it would go into the mind of the psych patient and the murder would be from their point of view. Probably why the killer would more than likely be a doctor or someone with access to their patient files or someone who gained access because he/she would know their disorders and would play on them. It would call into question what really is psychotic, the psych patients themselves, or the killer who seems to be "normal". I think that would be a cool idea 🙂

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