Update of the Peanut Gallery


Since there have been a lot of changes in my life, i’ve decided to update on a past entry…it’s been crazy, let me tell you…

Rob: Is going out with Sarah the last time I heard…I never heard from him after he wanted to go out with me…i really really don’t mind…I have too many problems with things as it is…

Bryan: I hope that things are settled finally…it seems to be very good…he came to my orchestra concert with Jenn and Evelyn (a nice older woman) and his sister…so that was a nice surprise…he’s a cool guy again…I’m just glad the past is the past…until he brings it up again…lol

Ryan: Still wanted to go out with me…I don’t want to go out with him…I had to tell him…he was upset, but still tried to get with me…boys…but now has another interest and hasn’t bothered me…also might be because I’m in the big city and he’s not…


Newer guys:

Rudin: Glad I didn’t try to initiate anything with him if he would have wanted the same…he seems controlling and arrogant…wow…perspective changes a lot for several people…

Matt: Going out with my sister…it’s lovely, really *rolls eyes*…he’d just better not hurt her or I’ll kick his ass…he also pulled a hissy fit recently and poked me in the eye…he’s just an asshole…a lazy fuck who has no ambition and expects to float through life…I hope he stays far away…that’s all I can say…

Kyle: I love him…and just hope that January comes soon, and that he can find a place in January…I’m sick of feeling hidden at times, and loved at others…yeah…it’s confusing…but things are less stressful between us now which is good 🙂

Brent: Haven’t talked to him in a while…probably took offence to the fact that I wouldn’t say I’d go out with him after the second time meeting him…I have tried talking to him before, but he doesn’t seem interested…just makes things less stressful for me…

Nathan: I named the asshole…he sexually assaulted me and didn’t get charged…I just hope telling the police will deter him from doing anything in the future…I don’t know what I’ll do if I ever happen to see him again…I’ll probaby just turn around or glare at him…I don’t want to think about seeing him again…but we’re in the same city, so it’s probably bound to happen some time…:S

Friends (Hometown):

Jenn: Still close…she rocks

Anita: She’s awesome 🙂

Jess: Here’s a doozie…
I can’t believe I actually really thought of her as a friend…and I feel partly responsible for what happened…she stole $6000 from my friend Moira…the person who I said does no wrong, who I aspire to be like…I just hope that she gets what she deserves…she should go to jail…I hope she does…although I doubt it’d change her…is "going out" with Scott…although he cheats on her, she puts up with it because she "loves" him…she’s demented and fucked in the head…played on my niceness…but I fell for it I guess…just glad I didn’t end up moving in with her…THAT would have been scary…says she’s pregnant, doubt she is…probably just trying to get sympathy

Jen: Good friend…just kind of weird and annoying some times…still glad I’m not living with her

Sarah: Going out with Rob…still haven’t seen her…lol

Amy: Had her baby…he’s cute…I wish her the best…although her boyfriend is creepy…

Deniza: Aren’t close…haven’t seen her since she and Jess and company scurried away to Peterborough…Jess’s abortion story was probably a fake…as is most things she says…was nice…I hope she’s OK…


Scott: Yet another asshole…wow…there’s a lot of them…going out with Jess, and are both in Orillia…took a picture of a girl sucking him off on his cell phone and Jess saw it…but it’s her own stupidity for staying with him…turned into an asshole when I said I wouldn’t live with Jess and thought I was pitting Leah and Jess against eachother when I wasn’t…if he’d believe an idiot like Jess over someone he knew longer and whom he considered a friend, then he can fuck himself…

Cory: Likes me…I don’t feel the same for him…I just hope I don’t hurt him or haven’t hurt him…

Naotaka: is still kind of annoying, but cool…

Leah : Her and I aren’t friends any more…and I couldn’t be happier…I still wish her the best…is still creepy…

Moira: I can’t say more than I had already said. "She is just awesome…I want to be like her…she has no problems with any one…I think it’s mainly because she doesn’t get involved with any guys that are in "the group"…but she is great…she lets things just roll off her back…she’s honest, and hopes that everyone is honest with her and all she ever wants is for people to be honest…and so, I’m doing my best to have those same characteristics…but I think that I am not able to do so with certain people…but, the only thing that I can say about Moira is that she’s great :)"

Jen"ital": is cool…don’t hang out much and don’t know eachother well, but we’re willing to hang with eachother…it’s fun…

Christy: is awesome…I <3 her…we’re crazy together and love it…met her at my summer work…it made things much more fun 🙂

Katie: Living with her…she likes to talk a LOT…but hopefully some of that is rubbing off on me…because I need to talk more…but we work well together living together…also met her at work…she’s nice


Mom: She’s on an upper now…as far as I know…her and Dad still fight…just glad I’m not home any more…

Dad: Rolls over and hates confrontation…don’t blame him though because of my mom…but he supports me…so it’s all good

Jessica: Feel distanced from her…only calls when she wants something it seems…mostly money…surprise surprise…living with Rebecca…complains about her…I don’t complain any more because she tells Rebecca whatever I say, so I can’t really trust her to vent to her any more…

Rebecca: Going out with Matt…is an idiot for doing so…but she’s "different", so it’s bound to work out *rolls eyes*…blames me for every crisis she has with him…actually blamed me for a breakup him and her had…ha…she just needs a reality check…is basically getting the bad personality Matt has…doesn’t have a job…mooches…lives beyond her means…expects things…doesn’t pay people b

ack…lies…what fun…feeling distanced from her too…

Melissa: Is pregnant…I don’t think I’ve gone through a time not knowing someone who was close and pregnant…holy…probably going to the school for pregnant teens / teen moms…is going out with a controlling dick of a boyfriend…feeling distanced from her…she lies as well…

All three sisters seem to get along well together because they partake in pot smoking ALL the time…all ask me for money…none really talk to me unless they want something…I’m living with it…but not with them which is another very good thing…

Presley, Noah, Conner, and Genevieve…my nephews and niece…plus my twin nieces who died in the womb…

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