blah blah blah!!

don’t get me wrong…i love the new place i’m living…it’s convenient to many things…it’s not tooooo noisy…this is just kind of annoying…although in a much lesser amount than my old roomie…she just keeps talking…and any time i zone out, she doesn’t notice…just keeps talking…and talking…and commenting on random things when i’m not listening…and i just nod and smile…maybe it’s because i’m not much of a talker…i don’t know…but i know that she has had a good influence on me…i’m studying / practicing more…and i am talking more in situations where i’d usually stay quiet…so, it’s good that way…just annoying sometimes when i’m trying to concentrate on something…also, she doesn’t wear deoderant…which i wouldn’t mind, if it wasn’t needed this THIS capacity…she has a major odour that just wafts and hangs in the air…:S still, much better than where i’ve been before…

ok…so kyle is deffinately going to be moving out in january…he doesn’t know where yet, but i’m hoping more places keep becoming available and that he doesn’t find a place tooooo far away…because then we’d see even less of eachother…and i want to see as much of him as possible now, but i hope that once he’s out of this situation i’ll be able to see him more…i have just decided to let things happen…do what makes me happy…if something bad happens, it’s not my fault…i’ll believe him until he gives me reason not to believe him…and then talk with him like couples do…
he said that we were already dating…and i said that it is like we are, but i can’t say we are until everything is sorted out because then it’s just like living a lie…and i can’t even admit it to my closest friends yet…they know the situation, i just really want to be able to say, this guy is my boyfriend…we are together and we love eachother…and i can’t do that until january…so i’m just keeping myself busy until then…i just hope that things work out…and that’s all i can do…

orchestra is awesome…i’m also in chamber orchestra…and brass quintet…it’s interesting…i still have to get pieces and an accompanyist for my recital some time…but i will…most likely tomorrow…wooo…busy busy…i’m alright though…so far, it’s my best year yet…i’m very glad i’ve cut out the crappy people from my life…i needed it 😀

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