.myspace is sucking balls right now.

so i’m going to write in here…and i’m going to write whatever the hell i please in here because i can…i have to censor my crap on myspace because people’s feelings get hurt or it starts silly feuds between people because people suck…everything is about them and they don’t want to be viewed as a bad person, so they defend themselves…myself included of course…especially if my actual name is being used…’cause i find that is wrong…anyways…

people suck…lol…my sister sucks ’cause she’s a two-face klepto whore who can’t admit to anything she does or when she is wrong…i just want to bang her head into a wall a few times to try and knock some sense into her pot-headed life…"i do it ’cause life is so hard"…bullshit…it’s difficult for everyone…i don’t do it 24/7, and i’m doing great…i just piss and moan about people in blog form…i think it’s much better than burning braincells with illegal substances…argh…

still confused about kyle…i love him…yes i do…but can’t help but have in the back of my mind that he’s going to screw me over…because that’s what people do…they suck ass…i’m trying to forget that, but i don’t want to be hurt…but i see it as, if he screws me over it’s his own fault and not mine and he’ll be viewed as the jackass for it…i’m not waiting past january…it’s my last straw…if he doesn’t move out of there then, i’m going to just say it’s over…thanks for using me…i’m not waiting any longer…the moment you get some balls to move out and find your own place, then we’ll talk…but i’m not waiting like a little puppy…

fucking bitchy friends…get over crap!! focus on more important things than getting trashed and whispering behind people’s backs…gawd…i fucking hate it…i tell people to their face what i say behind their back…so that i can figure out a solution so that i don’t have to talk about them behind their backs in the first place…i don’t pretend everything is happiness and sunshine because that just causes more crap!!

i know that writing this isn’t going to change anyone…but it sure is helping me feel better…lol…

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