Week 2

This is now week two of my being on the pill…I haven’t really noticed anything…maybe it takes a few months for something to take effect if anything does…I’ve been sleepier…and possible hot flashes…that’s basically it…

I’m at my sister’s place for the weekend to help her out and keep her company…she gets really lonely…especially after giving up her daughter…which I completely understand…so I really don’t mind doing it…it’s fun here actually…we just talk a lot…I am also reading a lot for my course…although I’m thinking that I have to hand in my assignment late…one or two days…but that’s alright to me…as long as I get it done…

I still haven’t seen a lot of my hometown friends…it’s most likely just because everyone is working and in their own life right now…but it’s still difficult…especially when there are little feuds going on left right and centre…but we usually pull through…I guess the true friends will remain together through thick and thin…

I started smoking a while ago…I did for a bit in grades 7-9…I guess that the end of this year was just so much that I used them…and I have to promise myself that I won’t continue…I can’t really, because I have my horn playing and everything…

I hopefully get to work at Ford’s soon…I want to buy a bike so that I can work out and stuff…do things instead of sit around…also cut down on my junk food intake…it’s been better than other years in that respect…because I’ve been losing weight…so hopefully it continues…slowly but surely 🙂 if not, no big deal…I love myself, so I’m all good…

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June 2, 2006

Hey,thanks for the website, I think it will help. Do you know how I can see other people’s journals? I like your background and the note box, its so much better than being sent to another page.