Rock Journal (I had to pretend to be a rock)

April 21: I have been having the worst day ever! I was sitting contently with my fellow polished stones, when we were scattered and separated from each other! Then this freaky “thing” came over, picked me up, dropped me a couple of times (which really hurt), and then stuffed me into a cramped space.
When I finally got out got some fresh air, I met up with Kelly’s polished stone. This stone is smokin’ hot! Her smooth pale yellow curves, and that shiny polished skin…she was just yum! But then we got it on, and five seconds later, she says she’s pregnant with “my” pebble! I think she’s a tramp, however, so I’m going to get a paternity test before I’ll pay for any pebble support. I heard from Tex’s twin stones that she gets around.
So my day was rather crappy…the only good thing was that hot five seconds…woo!

April 23: I was stuck in a pocket for most of the day. It was pretty boring, but during “the thing’s” calculus class, it was…different. This poofy-haired “thing” stole me from the original “thing”. He drew on me, and it tickled. As I went into this pencil holder, a crane-shaped piece of paper made by the poofy-haired “thing” joined me. We talked for a while, until the “thing” took me out again, and another “thing” drew on me! Hopefully it is not permanent. It ruins my sexy physique. I was getting rather annoyed. Good thing the “thing” took me away after a while, otherwise I would have opened a can of whoop ass on something! Possibly that crane…it was looking rather suspicious.
I was back in the pocket, but it was more interesting because I could hear what a group of “things” were doing. Going to the movies, then dropping “things” off and picking “things” up and going to London at 2 o’clock in the morning. All the while I was in the pocket. Through the loud noises, stealing of a shopping cart, and then at 4 o’clock the “things” were finally quiet enough for me to sleep.

April 24: Early morning after a late night. The thing put me on her bed stand at 7:30 in the morning. I sat there for a while, missing my fellow stones and the place we called home. But mostly I missed talking with them and hearing about what they saw from within the clear plastic walls of our sanctuary. There on the bed post I remained all day, just thinking.

April 26: The “thing” didn’t forget me today. Back into the pencil holder I went. Nothing really exciting today. I watched while the “things” worked on their sculptures. Then at the last class the “thing” had, I met up with a little silver frog named Bruce. He is also a captive of the “thing”, getting drawn on with non-permanent stuff. He plans for an escape soon, back to his home on a desk. I’ll have to wait for further plans.

April 28: We tried our escape today. We laid still until the “thing” took us out. Then we tried to roll away in order to make a run for it, but we were seen and placed back into the neon green prison that is now oh so familiar. I don’t know how long Bruce has been here, but he seems to now accept the fact that we may be stuck here forever under the “thing’s” ruling. Maybe if I open the white out bottle and inhale the fumes I can escape by going into the next life. I don’t know right now.

April 30: Another boring day in my plastic prison. Bruce does keep me company, but he gets annoying. I think all those great adventures he’s had are false. He says that he was out of here at one point, but he doesn’t give many details. He is very suspicious. I think he and the crane are plotting something against me. Further details later.

May 3: I was awoken from my slumber to see Bruce and the crane standing over me. I was frightened and backed into a corner. Then they pulled something out from behind their backs. I screamed as their arms encircled me. But then I realized that they weren’t hurting me, they were hugging me! They knew I was feeling down and they wanted me to feel better. We talked and became friends. This day was best of all.


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that’s kinda funny. interesting to read