Stress Is Work Related
My day got thrown off shortly after writing yesterday’s entry. Leigh called and asked me to cover her today at work, which meant going in a full hour earlier. I didn’t mind, but that kinda threw things off by a few hours. I made more money though. Mikey wil be here tommorrow along with 200 bucks for the plane ticket. I’ll feel better after we get that money. Well, work came and went, it wasn’t bad, but I was irritated. My stress is going up, and I think I’m starting to let the little stuff get to me. It’s time to get more laidback. Those lucky Shmo’s at work.
I’m hoping though that less stressing at work, will reflect at home too. I get stressed out at work, and then come home and snap all over the place at Chris. I’m not being very nice to him these past few days. I need to say sorry, and get him something as a gift. I had to go to walmart for suedefed but the line was outrageous. So I shopped around a bit, got some fake snow covered, fake holly and leave bundles for the entry vase. I also found Leigh, Sheena, and Pam’s gifts. I was going to get them all candle sets, but I got them these envrioscapes water things instead. All different. I also bought Tyler a Vsmile for 30 bucks, instead of 85. Sheena looked shocked when we told her we we’re getting him one. Like she couldn’t believe that we would buy him something so nice. Now we just need to buy for Little Sandra, Vince, John, Lily, and Jess (my FIL), and get a gift card for Wes and Cindy. We just aren’t sure what type of resturants they have where they live. Ft something, in Oklahoma.
I ran into Leigh at Walmart, and covered her gift with my purse, and a few other items, as well as tucking the cart around the corner. We chatted for a bit, and some old man thought I worked there. In my work shirt and tie, I look nothing like the blue vested idiots that work there. Of course I understand his pain, because finding anyone there is a journey in itself. Of course thinking back after he wandered on, embarassed, I realize I knew the answer to his question, I was just so caught off guard. I made my way out of walmart, without suedefed as the line never got any smaller, and ran over to don poncho’s to pick up dinner.
I leave for work soon. And then three day off!
For some reason people ask me questions at a bunch of different stores I shop at, too. Maybe we just give off a vibe that we’re smart or something. LOL
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