He’s Here! *e*

Mandy went into labor this morning, and is at 9 cm right now! She had some complications, probably just not dialating! I can’t wait til "my nephew" is born!

*e* The baby was born this evening at 7lbs, 7ozs, 191/2 inches long.More specifics to come when we find everything out. Remember that his baby is in California, and he is here in Tennessee. Please welcome Ian Chistopher to the world!

I will hopefully have some pictures of this new babe by Thursday. Ian isn’t my nephew by blood or marriage, just by close friendship with Vince.

In response to a note, I’m almost positive Mandy and I aren’t on good terms. I can’t stand her, and I think this whole thing was her trapping him, however I’m not blind to Vince’s mistakes along the way. However I already love this baby.


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