..clock ticking in the distance..
to the riders of this morning’s 8:45am bronx bound 6 train..yes that was me..the little chick with the big ass mouth who lost it and proceeded to shout at the rude jerks that decided to swarm in on an already crowded car..here are rules assjackets..when the doors open, u step aside and let all exiting passengers off first..u do not form a human shield..nor do you shove…this is not a free for all and its certainly not kindergarten…writing this from my phone..cant sleep..but if i get up..then i will wind up alone with my thoughts…lots of stress right now..and it wont get better until maybe mid-february if im lucky..so tempted to email d…but i dont want to wind up taking my frustrations out on him..i dont want to ruin my chances of seeing him at the end of this month due to some silly argument..thats the light at the end of the tunnel that i am focusing on..its what will get me through these rough times…