Blog #47
have a full two hours to burn before needing to back to lab. Blah. So I just stayed at school and I’m chilling in the library and doing stuff on the net to burn time. That’s always fun, eh? So yeah….I have two hours to burn so that means….BABBLE TIME! HOORAY. <p>
Yeah, babble-time. Hrm. What to babble about. Well, I went to class today, sound foundations, and I got my lab schedule. It’s gonna be killer for that class alone, it’s 6-8 hours a day basically every day I have class, which is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Luckily I don’t think I have Saturday or Sunday labs. Which is good. But my schedule for this month goes like this. I have class at 1:15 to 5 every day except Saturday and Sunday (those are my main classroom times for sound foundations and song composition, which is a theory class). Then, starting today, I have labs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday that alternate between 7 to 9 and 7-11 as well. Then I song composition, which has it’s own labs on Tuesday and Thursday. Gogo 8 hour days, eh? Yeah…..8 hours a day of class. Not including walk-time there and back. :[ My life is about to be overrun, oh noesssssss. And in all honesty, it’s especially brutal because I have time off from 5 to 7 and if I take that time to walk home I have less than an hour of time at home before I walk back. So there really isn’t much of a point to walk home, so really it’s either an 8 hour day or a 10 hour day of class. Isn’t that brutal? It is. You should pity me and stroke my belly to placate my need for attention and loving. v.v; <p>
What else….oh. I upset Jacinta by not remembering her birthday. Blargh, I told her I wouldn’t she should’ve been expecting it. >.< But I did guess the right month. And I was only off by 6 days! I was close! >_< But I am a bad (ex) boyfriend for not remembering. I SHOULD HAVE written it down somewhere and kept it safe just in case I ever had to remember so I wouldn’t get caught not remembering, heh. *creeps around and dodges bullets from the ladies in this manner* Meh, I’m better at remembering things and places and emotions and memories and the things they tell me rather than things like dates, things like names, stuff like that. I’ll remember exactly what person X said to you or how you felt about them, but I’ll forget the name. I’ll remember what you did for your birthday to a large extent, even not being there, but I won’t remember when it is. That’s just how I am….blargh. *shakes fist at not having the slip of paper he used to have w/ the birthday (and the almost-exact time too, bwahaha) anymore* Yeah, I slipped up. Bad me. Bad, bad me. <p>
Whee, I’m doing other fun things too. My idea for getting an SFX (that’s sound effects for you noobies out there) team together is starting to come around and bloom. I have Nathan, who’s a cool classmate of mine, as well as at least 4 other people interested in getting something together. That’s 6 people, what more do we need? Really, we don’t need anymore, heh. With this, we can get a film, we can get a video game, we can get whatever, and we can just delete all the sounds and try to recreate them all ourselves to get our skills up to snuff. I’m going to get everyone together and get everyone set up with sending e-mails to everyone else so we’re all networked together so we can start working on this stuff. It should be cool, in all honesty. Amongst us, we have a 002 Pro Tools rig and a guy with some experience in recording, we have a guy with an M4 portable recorder (on of the few non-crappy ones) as well as girl with reason and some skills in synthing. Then there’s the newbie and then there’s me and Nathan. Nathan is going to be getting an M4 as well and I’m going to drop on a decent Senheisser shotgun mic so we can pick up some more sounds in the city area and whatnot. See, we need a shotgun for that because it’s design is built to phase-cancel the other sounds around it and it’s pickup is a very focused one so it can pick up specific people. It’s said that if you have a crowd of people with everyone talking, you could theoretically point a good shotgun at one person and record exactly what he’s saying without picking up the others too much. That’s cool, eh? It’s good for SFX too. Then all I need is a laptop that can accept the shotgun’s input so we can record it. My current plan is that we start making a SFX library to figure out what sounds like what and to get some basic techniques down before we start going off and really trying to put the skills to use as a job for a film student or as sound designers for a game mod. We’ll get there, I’m pretty sure, assuming these people are serious about what’s up. If not, then eh, oh well, I’ll find others. But I want a team damnit and I’m going to have one. I’M GOING TO HAVE ONE AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME! I’m going to prop another one of my acquaintances from fullsail and see if I can’t get him to help chip in on the music side of things. He’s a really talented guy. Composed before, has a strong, strong background in music theory as well as being a trained pianist. So he can compose what’s up and we can just find people to play it (There are enough people who play instruments out here, many playing multiples) so we can record them, or he can just get the composition in there via midi interface and just make it work with a good instrument sample collection. Because if we have all that, we’ll have the capabilities to be an <i>entire sound team<i> for video games or film, capable of doing Vox (that’s vocals and speech), music, and SFX and Foley. That means we can, theoretically, do anything we put our minds to. It’s just a matter of being capable of learning how to do it and it’s just a matter of understanding our own jobs enough. This could work out to be something really, really cool, potentially. <p>
Btw, remember this SFX thing. It’s an insight into what to get me to make me happy! For my birthday, don’t gimme candy or food (though I love those things, don’t get me wrong, I’ll def accept them. Especially if it&rsquo
;s chocolate. I gotta get to the chocolate before SOMEONE eats it all), gimme a sexy mic ! DO IT! I have my eyes on a shure 57 or 58; I need me a beastly one. And if you wanna be super sexy, get me a Blue baby bottle. I’d probably love you forever if you did. FOREVER! I really want a baby bottle. v.v Btw, if you wanna look these things up, check out All sorts of gifts to make people like me smile and stuff. And you can get me the instrument collection too! I forget what it’s called though. Sec, lemme find it. Here it is ! Come on. Make a poor college student smile. I know you want to. Just look at these eyes ===> v.v; Do this ! <p>
Ok, enough of the shameless whoring. What else is happening. Hrm…not much other than….I gave in and bought WoW. No one’s gonna respect me anymore. I know this. It hurts me, but all my gaming buddies went to WoW it seems and I’m all alone. D: So I went too. Yeah, yeah, shut up. I know what you’re thinking. But you’re just jealous. Because my level 12 blood elf warlock can kick your ass. HA! TAKE THAT! But seriously. I’m just waiting for the flak on this one. I know it’s coming. From a lot of people too. <p>
I also finally got myself a Tanakh (bible) in Hebrew, hooray. I think that, if I actually have the time to, I’m going to figure out my letters once and for all and transliterate the entire book of Genesis so I remember EXACTLY what all the letters are and EXACTLY what all the vowels are. If I have that, everything should fall into place as far as the actual letters go. I should probably pick up some of the words too, so it’ll increase my super tiny vocabulary, too. It’ll be sexy. Just watch, you will see. At any rate, it should be a really good hands-on exercise for getting the alphabet down. I think I probably need to do it, too, because just reading the book isn’t really helping me get that, the letters are just so foreign to what I’m used to. So this’ll do it. It’s the equivalent of taking the words, molding them into a sledgehammer and SMASHING MYSELF IN THE FACE WITH THEM! I can’t miss them then, oh no, I’ll get exactly what they’re about THEN. There’s just too much repetition to not get it if I do the entire book, ya know? And plus I’ll have a better understanding of the book of Genesis too because the translations are right there too so I can understand what’s being said. Which is sexy. Almost as sexy as me. But not quite. <p>
Hrm. I dunno what else I have to say. I still have one-and-a-half-hours. Blah. What am I to do, what am I to do….hrm…I’ve already found the classroom, I’ve already gotten everything….I <i>could</i> go eat. Yeah, I’ll probably go do that. Take it easy and just go eat. Not yet though. What else. Oh, I know. They gave me a sessy pair of headphones today. For keeps. Yaus. I <3 them. They make me go :EEE: and look like dis. :DD Yes. Exactly like that. I dunno what I’m gonna do with them though. But they need to be personalized and scratching my name onto em won’t be enough. Maybe I’ll write something out, run it by Jacinta to see if it’s right, and then scratch THAT on there. Or maybe a passage of genesis. No. I am not a bible thumper. I just think it could be cool if you get the right sort of passage. I KNOW the Tanakh has amazingly powerful passages. It’s just a matter of finding them again, that’s all. Then I can be like…yeah. That’s 2:10 Genesis. Nugga. And people will think I’m weird. Bwahahaha. <p>
Yeah, I have no idea why I’m so upbeat today. In reality I’m tired and kinda annoyed with how my schedule is looking like, haha. I think it’s the headphones and the SFX group. Sexy gifts are a good way to make me smile like whoa, and so are things going right. I LIKE founding groups and starting projects and leading people through things. It should all work out. Even if I am tired and kinda annoyed at my schedule. I just couldn’t sleep last night. I instinctively woke up at like…9am when I had 3 more hours to sleep. And I was like….god damn you, go back to bed body. I don’t gotta be up now. And then we stared angrily at each other, my mind and my body, until we both got tired of it and went to back to bed. But my day is still feeling the effects of that poor sleep, heh. Tomorrow I’ll go to sleep earlier. Sleep is goooood. I think that I’m going to start waking up earlier than when I need to so I can start working out in the mornings and making my muscles sexy again. My arms are continually pissing me off because they feel weak and I don’t like feeling weak. I like feeling manly. I’m a manly kinda man, you know? Don’t listen to Jacinta when she says I’m womanly. She’s <i>lying</i>. I’m supa manly. *flex*<p>
I guess that’s it. At least for now. I think my time for writing these things is gonna change from every day before class to in between classes when I have this 2-hour dealio to just screw around. I have more time to write so that’ll be good. I can easily burn that much time just writing. I’ve already burned about an hour just babbling about nothing. Isn’t that awesome? I think so. Now I can go eat. En Pachum. Or however you spell it. Take a long time and eat in peace, enjoy my food and just otherwise be a bum and then go back to class. <p>
Today is a good day, I think.
I’m a closet geek myself, I bought Wow not too long ago, but I am such a people person, I haven’t had the chance to play it. So I bout a HiFi speaker for my iPod just to max it out. AaAH my fellow geek, tre chique!
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RYN: A geek is not a bad thing, its pretty great, lol. I love thinking myself as an unsuspecting geek. Its the best way to go lol.
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Meh, lol, I thought I was the only one that ever used that word, guess not.
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